Page 54 of The Ruthless Greek

Deanna’s parents decided to stay at the condos until that following Monday. Tahir wanted to go home with them, but I told him that it was best for them to keep up their normal routine to throw off Dutch if he was lurking around, trying to find him. So, when they left that Monday, Tahir remained at the condo.

Basil tried to argue about Zoe staying at the condo as well, but it fell on deaf ears as she gave him a few choice words before hopping in his SUV. Basil said I would have my hands full with Deanna, but I think it’s the other way around.

Today, I’m trying to finish up my meeting with my Captains to see who is going to take over Colin’s area. Alex has been doing a respectable job, but I’ve noticed it’s spreading him kind of thin. Colin’s area and his are large, more than one Captain need to take on for the long haul.

I knocked on the conference room table we’re sitting at to get their attention. When they quieted down, I tell them, “Alex, thank you for seeing over the Westside in lieu of me finding someone to take it over.” I study each of the captains at the table. “I have made my decision and Malichi will be the next Captain of the Westside.”

They begin to mumble under their breaths as Malichi stands stoned faced.

Alex laughs out loud, garnering everyone’s attention. “Boss, surely, you’re not going to make him a Captain when it washisfather who tried to overthrow your uncle. If he is your choice, then you might as well pull some poor bastard off the street and make him a Captain.”

As he continues to laugh, it’s cut short when the bullet from my gun pierces his forehead. The others quickly become silent.

Standing, I scan the room at their shocked faces. “Does anyone else feel the same way as Alex?”

An echo of ‘no’ with heads moving from side to side resonates around the room. I liked Alex but never will I have one of my subordinates questioning my decisions.

“Good” I say, sliding my gun back into its holster. “Like I said, Malichi will be taking over the Westside and now I’ll be looking for someone to run the Northside while I find Alex’s replacement. Any takers?”

By the time the meeting ended, all the captains were eagerly wanting to pitch in to keep the Northside going. Basil came up with a schedule that gave them equal amounts of time checking in on the area so they wouldn’t be bombarded with handling two territories at one time. Back in Greece, if Father named a captain over a territory, there was no questions asked and if he found out about someone who felt negative about his decisions, then they disappeared and was replaced. Anyone who had reservations about his decisions was looked upon as a threat to him and I felt the same way.

Basil and I left the office in his SUV, heading to Deanna’s bookstore. Malichi left before us to check out his new territory. Basil was only coming with me because Zoe called him earlier and said she was there to help Deanna with picking out new color pallets. I’ve left my car parked in the back and used my car service since the drive to Kourakos Enterprises wasn’t that far and I didn’t want to put unnecessary mileage on the Challenger.

Pulling onto the block of the bookstore, my heart drops as I see police cars with their lights flashing and two ambulances. Basil illegally parks his SUV, and we jump out. What the fuck is going on, I ask myself as we push through the crowd of onlookers. My question is answered when we reach the front of the bookstore to see it blocked off with police tape. White sheets cover the bodies of my men on the ground who were guarding the bookstore.

Going under the tape, a young officer stops me, placing his hand on my chest to stop me from entering. “I’m sorry sir but you can’t go in there. That’s why we have the tape up.”

Looking down at his hand then back up at his puckered face, I growl, “Officer Weaver, badge number 425, if you don’t remove your hand from my person, I’m going to break every bone in that motherfucker.”

“Are you threating an officer of the law?” He asks, trying to act tough. I know his type. Get a badge and hide behind it like you have superiority.

Getting in his face, I state, “I never make threats.” He swallows hard. “I’m only going to tell you this one time. Get the fuck out of my way or else I’ll see that you’re reduced to a fucking meter maid. This is my fiancée’s store and I have every right to go in there but if you want to play the tough guy role then go ahead, meter maid Weaver.”

Weaver thinks over his options as I give him a challenging look. He finally moves to the side, allowing us entrance.

As I step in, I become enraged. Lena and another of Deanna’s employees, Melonie is lying on two gurneys. I race over to Lena.

“Lena? Lena, where’s Deanna and Zoe?” I lean down, whispering in her ear. She has a huge lump to her forehead.

She incoherently mumbles as her eyes move along her closed eyelids. Lena clutches my arm as she rapidly blinks, then opens her eyes. They move toward me as she tears up. “He took her,” she whispers back.

I wanted to yell but knew it would draw the attention of the officers standing around.

Trying to stay calm, I ask, “Who? Who took her?”

Lena sobs, replying, “He didn’t say his name, but he said Tahir knows who he is and if he wanted to see his sisters alive again, he better not try to be a hero and save them. He had one of his men punch Melonie hard in the face, knocking her out. The guy then said he’ll be in touch before he headbutted me. I don’t remember anything else after that.”

“Son of a bitch,” Basil hisses.

Fucking Dutch. I should’ve known things weren’t going to be a walk in the park until his ass was handed to him. I got so wrapped up in the demise of Hollis, I completely forgot about his parasite ass.

Turning to Basil, I command, “Call them.”

He nods knowing who I was speaking of as he walks away, cursing under his breath. To take down a drug lord, I’m going to need the help of my family. Alistair’s words were ringing true. I could take on Dutch with me and my men but right now it was more about letting these motherfuckers know they fucked with the wrong family.

An officer approaches me with his little notebook in his hand, stating, “Sir, Officer Weaver said you are the bookstore owner, Deanna Lowe’s fiancé.”

“I am.”