Page 47 of The Ruthless Greek

Zoe pressed her palm again her chest as she used the other to fan herself. She stepped towards us, then stopped as she stared me down.

“He better not come back with a scratch on him,” was all Zoe said before continuing into the condo.

We watched her turn the corner before both were cracking up laughing. Deanna put her arms around my neck, “That goes for me too.”

“If I do come back with a scratch, will you kiss it an make it all better?” I teased as I seized her waist.

“I’ll do more than that if you return with none,” she challenged. “Now, kiss me so you can catch up with the others. They’re waiting on you.”

I growled before intensely kissing her. That was a vow. I would always return to her.

“I’ll be back soon,” I told her before I stole another kiss, then released her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Deanna said.

I smiled, winking at her before I left to join the others. Hollis better be ready because the Boogey Man was about to be at his door.

It took us less than forty minutes to get to the warehouse. Entering the building, I noticed my men had disposed of the dead man’s body, leaving no traces of blood.

Turning to Basil and the others, I tell them, “Let’s get suited up.”

They follow me into the room where the combat gear is located. Inside different sizes of black t-shirts, cargo pants, and steel toed boots hung neatly. Several lockers are spaced out along the walls. Going over to the one I keep my gear in, I open it. Smirking, I take the full body armor suit off its hanger. Chuckling to myself, I think back to when Tech gave each of us one back in Dallas before we took out the Santiago Cartel. Everyone’s suit fit fine except for Alistair’s.

“Alistair, did you bring your nut hugger suit with you?” I laugh, turning towards him.

The guys laugh as Alistair gave me one of his crazy looks before opening his duffle bag. Reaching inside he pulls out his suit.

“Oh, I have my suit cousin but this one has been upgraded so Frank won’t feel like he’s being suffocated,” he laughs.

“Who’s Frank?” Malichi asks.

“You don’t want to know,” we all say at the same time. Some things are better left unknown.

After getting changed and strapping our weapons on, we went back into the main part of the warehouse. Since Malichi and Tahir didn’t have a suit, they would have to wear a bullet proof vests. I told them to give Tech their measurements so he can put in an order from wherever the hell he gets them. Tech’s pretty tight lipped on how he gets his gadgets and I’ve learned to not ask him about them because he’s not going reveal his sources.

Tech has his laptop open on a large crate, checking Hollis’ location. “He’s at the building,” he informs our group. He then pulls up an aerial view of the building and surrounding area. “The buildings on either side of Hollis’ are closed for the evening. I think the best point of entry without drawing attention is through the back door. I can disable the security alarms before Hollis has a chance to activate them.”

Nodding, I add, “I think so too. So, what we’ll do is have Mike, Malichi and Tahir cover the front in case Hollis and his men try to bolt, but also, while we’re in there I want you all to put down explosives. Hollis tried to burn down the bookstore, well his building will be nothing but ash once we’re done. Basil, Alistair, and I will take the back. Tech, you’ll be in the SUV, reporting to us on what’s happening on the outside. I’ll have my men set up on every corner if Hollis calls for reinforcements.” Staring each of them down, I state, “No one is to leave that building alive. Let there be no witnesses left to speak to the police.”

They voice their agreement.

“Let’s go,” I command.

With this one mission on our minds, we leave out of the warehouse. Once outside I give my men their orders. Since Mike, Tech, Malichi and Tahir would be covering the front of the building, they got in second SUV with Malichi getting in the driver’s seat. The rest of us hopped in Basil’s SUV and my men in the third SUV. With the address entered in his GPS, Basil drove off first, leading the others behind us.

“So, Yiorgos,” Alistair says ten minutes into the drive.

“Yes” I respond, glancing over my shoulder to see him looking out the window as he keeps taking the safety on and off his pistol.

Alistair is almost certainly the craziest one in our family and when he looks at me, the insane glare in his eyes confirms it and I thank God he’s related to me.

“I know how much you want to fucking kill Hollis yourself but if I get to him first, can I pop him?” A devious smile graces his face.

I want to laugh but the way he’s looking, I don’t want Alistair to take offence to it.

“Cousin, if you get to Hollis before I do just shoot him in the fucking leg. He fucked with my woman, so his life belongs to me.”

It’s as if Alistair’s craziness has triggered the ruthless inside of me. I’m going to be the one to fucking put Hollis down. He tried to intimidate my woman, had her threatened, then tried to destroy her business. Oh, yes, his demise is all mine.