Page 16 of The Ruthless Greek

I’ve caught her glancing in my direction several times and the last time I was about to light my cigar. Patrons aren’t allowed to smoke in the restaurant but where our table is located the vents suck in all the smoke, so it won’t disrupt others dining. I smile, hoping it wasn’t one to scare her off. I know my looks can seem mean at times, but this is a genuine one. I grimace to myself when she quickly looks off. Did I really look that intimidating?

Felicia comes back to our table, letting us know our meals would be out shortly. I take that time to go and relieve myself. I didn’t have to go, I just wanted to hear what was being said at the table of the woman who has piqued my curiosity. Maybe I could catch one of them saying her name. On the way to the men’s room, I overhear the women saying it was one of their birthdays. Pulling Felicia to the side, I ask which one of the ladies was celebrating her birthday. She pointed to the beauty who had been sneaking looks at me. I slipped Felicia a hundred-dollar bill, then told her to charge the beauty and her friends bill to me.

I stayed tucked away in the hall until the women finished singing Happy Birthday to her and I was able to find out her name. Deanna. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I made my presence known as I came to stand behind her and wished her a Happy Birthday as well. I chuckled on the inside at her shocked expression when she turned around to see me standing there. Her sister, Zoe introduced me to everyone, and I let Deanna know that their dinner was on me. She tried to protest but I told her it was already taken care of. Deanna probably didn’t think I noticed, but I saw the goose bumps on her arm when I kissed her hand. After telling them to enjoy the rest of their evening, I returned to my table where Basil sat with a curious look on his face.

“What was that all about?” He questioned.

Sitting in my chair, I picked up my glass and took a drink before I replied, “The one in the black dress is Deanna. It’s her birthday. The one to the right of her is her sister Zoe and the other two are their friends Kennedi and Sam.”

“They are all exceptionally beautiful. I saw you kiss the birthday girl’s hand. You must have your sights set on her,” Basil said with a smirk.

Just as I was about to respond back to him, Deanna appeared at our table, giving me a full view of her shapely body. She stood in front of me with the confidence of a mature woman and I admired that. Most women would see my hard expression and find it intimidating, but not Deanna. I’m good at reading people, so as she spoke, I could tell that she was very educated and self-assured. She wasn’t the type to be easily taken advantage of or played with. There was something else about her that I couldn’t put my finger on, but I’ll figure it out.

When she placed her business card on the table, then sashayed away, my eyes stayed locked onto her round ass. Basil grinned as I picked up the card. At the top of it readThe Reader’s Cave. Underneath it was a silhouette of a woman reading a book. Beneath that was Deanna Lowe, Owner along with a phone and address. I slid the card into the inner pocket of my suit jacket, making a mental note to call on Ms. Deanna Lowe very soon.

It's been a few days since the night at Mythos. Although I wanted to reach out to Deanna, I had business to take care of over the weekend. Saturday, we had a shipment of weapons come in and Sunday we spent most of the day making sure they were distributed to our buyers. I did think of her often, not sure how that one encounter made such an impression on me. The bookstore owner intrigued me.

This morning when my alarm clock went off, I already had it on my mind to give Deanna a call later. Luckily, it’s Monday and normally a short day for us. We usually spend most of the day going over the figures from our legit businesses and meeting with the captains on their takes from the weekend.

Basil and I are in my office finishing up our last meeting. Alex Pappas is the Captain of the Northside. I put him in charge of the Westside too after I killed Colin, but it’s only temporary until I find a suitable candidate to permanently take Colin’s spot.

“Boss, all profits from both areas are in the briefcases,” Alex says, pointing to the two briefcases he laid on my desk when he came in. “I double counted them myself.”

The captains know after the shit with Colin, I’m watching their asses closely. Alex probably feels pressure the most because now his neck is on the line for two areas.

“Good to know,” I tell him. “Were there any problems over the weekend?”

“Only minor ones with a couple of drunks getting out of hand at one the gaming houses on the Westside, but security quickly took care of them,” Alex replies.

“Have them banned from all the houses and if they start to run their mouths, take care of it,” I instruct.

“Already taken care of, sir. We also have photos of their driver’s licenses if they become a problem,” Alex states.

“Alright, well if that’s all, you’re free to go. Call Basil if you need to get in touch with us,” I express, dismissing him.

Alex stands, reaching his hand over the desk to shake my hand. After I do so, he turns to Basil to do the same thing before taking his leave.

“He seems to be holding things down,” Basil says, rising from his seat.

I chuckle. “You would too if your life could be forfeited by one fuck up.”

Basil laughs, picking up the briefcases. “I’m going to take these down to accounting.”

Nodding, I wait for him exit my office to pull Deanna’s business card from my pocket. Staring at it, I wonder if she’s too busy to talk. She did tell me to call her, so maybe she’ll give me a few minutes of her time. Fuck it. I pick up my office phone and start dialing. Holding the receiver to my ear, I listen as it begins to ring.

“Hello, you’ve called The Reader’s Cave. This is Lena. How may I help you?” A bubbly voice answers.

“Hello, Lena. May I please speak to Deanna?” I return.

“Sure, can I tell her who’s calling?”

“Tell her it’s a close friend,” I say with a smile.

“Okayyyy” Lena elongates the word.

She sits the phone down, but I can hear voices and soft music in the background. I cross my fingers, hoping Deanna will come to the phone. Since I didn’t give my name, she might send Lena back to take a message.

“This is Deanna. How may I help you?”