Page 14 of The Ruthless Greek

He took it and gave it a light shake. “Nice to meet you, Zoe. I’m Yiorgos Kourakos.”

“That’s different. Where are you from,” she questioned.

He proudly replied, “I’m from Greece.”

Wow, I have always wanted to travel to Greece to see the museums, learn about the customs, and taste the native delicacies. It’s on my top five places to visit on my bucket list.

Zoe nodded. “Okay, now I know where the accent is from. Oh, these are our friends Sam and Kennedi,” she informed.

“Nice to me you ladies as well.” He told them as they grinned back at him. He brought his focus back to me. “Deanna, since it’s your birthday I would like to take care of you ladies bill for tonight.”

Shocked by his offer, I quickly state, “No, that won’t be...”

Zoe cut me off. “Thank you, Yiorgos. We happily accept.”

He chuckled. “Actually, I’ve already taken care of it, but I wanted to stop and wish the birthday girl a joyous one.” The man actually picked up my hand, then kissed the back of it, sending goose bumps up my arm.

“Thank you,” I said once again.

As he let my hand go, he said, staring deep into my eyes, “You ladies continue to enjoy the rest of your night.”

My eyes stayed locked onto his broad shoulders and muscular back as he walked back to his table and sat down. I don’t know if it was the wine giving me liquor courage, but I dug into my purse and pulled out one of my business cards.

As I stood, Zoe began to cheer me on. “That’s right, Sis! Show him how us Lowe women get down.”

Ignoring her, I politely strolled over to Yiorgos’ table, then place the card in front of him.

“If you’d like to get to me better, here is my information. If not, toss the card onto your discarded plate,” I told him before spinning on my heels, putting a little extra sway in my walk. Deep down inside of me I knew that wasn’t going to be my last encounter with the mysterious Yiorgos Kourakos.

Chapter 5


With the promise ofcoming back to Dallas to visit the family soon, Basil and I flew back to Chicago late this Friday afternoon. When we touched down, Basil and I did a surprise pop up at our gaming houses. Word must have spread about Colin’s demise because the five houses had their shit in order. The captains now know not to fuck with me. I run this shit with an iron fist and if they want to keep their lives, then they’ll think twice about ever crossing me. Now, the only thing left for me to do is find someone to replace Colin’s thieving ass.

After leaving the last gaming house, we drove to Kourakos Enterprises. I wanted to meet with our accountant, Stephen to check on the reports for the week. Not only did Yiannis leave me to run the gaming houses but also several check cashing spots, two grocery stores, storage facilities, and a few other businesses. They’re good to have because the money we make from the gaming houses, gun sales, and other illegal profits are washed through all of them.