Page 13 of The Ruthless Greek

When Felicia returned with our drinks she brought along complimentary pita bread, cheeses, olives, hummus, and tzatziki. We all decided to order the lamb chop special. Felicia complimented our choice and said we wouldn’t be disappointed before she left to put our orders in.

Zoe picked up her wine glass, raising it high. “I want to make a toast. Although you can be a pain in my ass at times,” She giggles. “I’m just playing. What I mean to say is, you are the best sister anyone can have, but I’m happy you are mine. Happy birthday Sis and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Cheers.”

My eyes teared up as she clinked her glass against mine before Sam and Kennedi did the same. I took a sip and was surprised that the wine was really good. Not too sweet and not too tart. It was just right, so I took another sip, letting my pallet savor the flavors. It seemed to loosen me up some because I found myself laughing a little too much as Zoe told us of her last dating disaster. By the time Felicia brought our meals, I was on my second glass and was feeling damn good.

“Dee, how are things going with the bookstore?” Kennedi asks.

Spreading my napkin across my lap, I reply, “It’s good. I hired another barista, so now I have a staff of four. Business couldn’t get any better.”

Zoe takes a bite of the carrot on her fork, then says, “When I was there last week, I noticed a few of the older stores had closed. What’s up with that?”

I didn’t really want to have a conversation about what was going on with the businesses around me because it would lead to me telling them about what happened at the store earlier today. Apparently, there’s some bigwig that’s trying to force store owners to pay a percentage of their profits for ‘protection’ or they would find themselves out of business. The owners of the stores closed now tried to fight back by getting the police involved but the next thing we knew a ‘Closed Permanently’ or ‘Under New Management’ signs were posted in the windows.

Today I was visited by two goons who made me the same bullshit offer. They said they would be back soon for me to give them my decision. My daddy taught me to always fight for what’s mine and I’ll be damned if I let some wanna be gangster scare me away from what I worked hard to build or think he’s going to get any of my hard-earned money.

Turning to Zoe, I lie, “Not sure, but I think they might’ve sold their businesses and retired like the Collins did.”

“Or maybe they’re about to put more high-priced stores out there.” Sam says, sipping her tea. “The area could use some sprucing up.”

“Hey, don’t knock my neighborhood. It’s artsy, historic and people still love to shop around there,” I tell her, getting ready to dig into my meal.

As I begin to cut into my lamb chop, I couldn’t help but notice that the people at the tables around us seemed to grow quiet. Looking up, I notice two gentlemen being led to a table in the far back. The one in front is handsome. He’s a large man with olive skin, a tapered beard and mustache with a chiseled jawline. Muscles protrude under his tailored suit and his walk is giving off what I read in a book calledBDE, big dick energy. His mysterious blue eyes meet mine and a jolt of electricity shoots through me. Despite his outer attractiveness, something about him screams trouble. Quickly, I cut my eyes away from him. I can appreciate the visual of a good-looking man but that one there, looks to have a lot of baggage that comes along with him.

“They are too damn fine,” Zoe gushes openly staring at them.

“If I wasn’t engaged, I’d go over there and give the second one my phone number,” Kennedi says, waving her hand in front of her.

“I don’t know,” Sam sighs. “The big one is staring over here but he’s not looking at the three of us.”

Zoe and Kennedi glace at me. I ignore them, continuing to cut my meat, then take a bite.

“Dee, that man has his sights on you,” Zoe teases, looking back at him, then to me again. “Girl, if you play your cards right you might end the night with some birthday sex.” She snickers and Kennedi and Sam join her singing their version of Jeremih’s song,Birthday Sex.

Zoe stops singing, patting me on my back as I choke on my food. Sam hands me my glass of water. Downing half of it, I tell them, “Stop playing. That man is not staring at me. If anything, he’s staring at you, Zoe. You are sitting right next to me.”

She cocks her head to the side. “No, Dee. I know when a man is interested in me, and he is not. That hot sex on a platter is lusting after you, girl.”

Moving my eyes in his direction, the man is sitting with his back against the wall, rolling a cigar between his fingertips with his eyes trained on me. It could be the low lighting in the restaurant, but I swear a small smile form across his lickable lips causing my breath to hitch. Trouble.

Taking my sight off him, I tell Zoe, “He can lust all he wants too, but I’m not here for that. I came here to spend my birthday with my girls, not be that man’s next conquest.”

“Shit, let him beyourconquest.” Zoe laughs. “When was the last time you had your back blown out?”

I give her a look of surprise as Sam and Kennedi laugh along with her. This little sister of mine, I think to myself before tossing my napkin at her, laughing too. “Don’t worry about my back, it’s just fine. Thank you very much.”

“If you say so,” she returns, tossing the napkin back at me.

With that, we continued to enjoy our meal, moving onto other topics. As time passed, I found myself taking small glimpses at the mysterious man. At times he was in deep conversation with the other guy who I assume was a relative because they had similar features. Then at other times, he was staring at me. I’ve never been shy when it comes to men, but his intense gaze had me looking away like a shy little girl.

Once we were finished eating, Felicia and two other waiters came to clear the table. While they were doing that, I watched the man get up from his seat, leaving the other sitting at the table. The girls gave low catcalls as he passed our table. They were so silly. Minutes later, Felicia and the others returned with her carrying a beautiful two-tier birthday cake with sparklers. Zoe, Sam, and Kennedi began to sing along with them. I clapped my hands together, enjoying the moment.

When they finished the birthday song, ending it with my full first name a deep sexy voice with an accent said behind me, “Happy Birthday, Deanna.”

I twisted in my seat to see the mysterious man standing there. He was even more handsome up close as he smiled, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

“Thank you.” I responded in a soft tone.

Zoe introduced herself. “Hi, I’m her sister Zoe Lowe and this is my sister Deanna Lowe. And you are?” She held hand out as I side eyed her, wondering what the hell she was doing.