Page 11 of The Ruthless Greek

“I know I would have,” Alistair interjects before downing his shot of liquor.

“Of course, you would have,” Xander says, sipping from his glass.

“Damn straight,” Alistair returns.

Holding my hand up, I state, “Look, Basil and I went to the club to unwind after dealing with some bullshit that happened before we left Chicago. We saw Rory there and invited him to join us. We were there for drinks, not to threaten anyone’s life but when the guy disrespected Rory’s lady and when we noticed he was there by himself, we felt by of extension of you and O’Rourke’s relationship, we needed to stand with him. Those assholes would have only been shot if they twitched the wrong way, but they were too pussy to do so.”

Balthazar narrows his eyes, responding, “I get that, but you should’ve let security handle it.”

Momentarily staring at him, I let out a deep laugh. “Are you serious? From my vantage point, none of your security came to diffuse the situation which led to us having to intervene.”

Balthazar moves his head towards Rory. “Is this true?”

“What? Do you think I’m lying?” I ask with irritation. I’ve told him what happened. Why does he feel like he has to ask the next man to corroborate my story?

Rory eyes move between the two of us before he replies, “Yeah, it’s true. Your men did nothing in protecting Joy. When that asshole first grabbed her, they should’ve run up on him, but they didn’t.”

Balthazar looks over at O’Rourke who is definitely on Rory’s side.

With an I told you so expression, I sit back in my chair, pulling out my cigar case.

“Rory, please tell Joy I’m sorry for what occurred, and she won’t have to deal with that in the future. I think it’s time for me to do an overhaul on my security team. I can’t have shit like that going on in my club. I like to run a safe and entertaining spot,” Balthazar tells him.

“Thanks, and I will. The situation did leave her somewhat shaken, but she’ll be okay,” Rory returns.

“Speaking of situations,” Alistair says loudly, sitting his shot glass down. “Tell us what the two of you were up to before leaving Chicago.”

I smirked, lighting my cigar. Leave it to Alistair to want to hear about someone losing their life but hey it comes with business we’re in. You just have to always make sure you weren’t on the receiving end of the bullet fired.

Chapter 4

Deanna Lowe

“Dee, come on. We’regoing to be late for your birthday dinner,” Zoe, my little sister by two years fusses as we get out of the Uber in front of an upscale Greek restaurant in downtown Chicago.

Laughing to myself, I shake my head as I catch up to her at the entrance. I’ve waited all week for tonight. It’s not every day a woman turns the big three-o and after the day I had, I’m ready to let my hair down and have a good time with Zoe and our friends. I will deal with the stress of my business tomorrow because tonight it’s all about me.