Page 43 of Finding Zara

I paused to consider, a look of mock seriousness on my face. “Yeah, a little bit creepy.”

Emma laughed. “Sorry, not sorry.”

“I agree, Emma. Zara was the best student in our class. We’re watching a true master at work.”

I looked at Ally through narrowed eyes. “Give it a rest, Ally. I know what you’re doing, you know.”

I got an irrepressible chuckle in response. “Is it working, at least?”

I shrugged, tossing the salad in the bowl. “Maybe.” I knew Ally would make a big deal of the fact that I’d cooked for Matt and Gabe already, so I didn’t mention it. It was much easier to let her think her plan was working.

“What are you doing, Ally? What’s the mystery?”

“I’m launching a not-so-stealth operation to get Zara back to cooking.”

Emma turned to Zara. “I didn’t realize you weren’t cooking anymore.”

I shrugged again. “After New York, I’d just had enough of it, I guess. I was burnt out.”

“That’s so sad.” Her eyes were full of gentle sympathy.

I rubbed Emma’s arm, smiling. “I’m okay, honestly. There are much worse things in the world than me not cooking. Ally, grab the pastry from the freezer for me. Let’s get this happening.”

“Yes, let’s. I grabbed some beers, if anyone’s interested? It was mainly to have with lunch, but there’s no reason we can’t get a head start, is there?”

“None whatsoever. Where are they? I’ll grab them.”

“Thanks, Lucy. In the bottom of the fridge.”

Ally and I finished the pies in no time and Ally put them in the oven. “We’ve got about half an hour. How are the boys doing out there?”

I looked out the window. “Nearly done, I’d say. Gabe’s just jackhammering the last bit. Thanks, Emma.” I took the beer Emma offered, sighing appreciatively after I took the first sip. “So good.”

Ally took her beer and plunked herself down on the couch in the little living room, putting her feet up on the coffee table. “So, Emma, have you always worked at the nursing home?”

Emma sat down in the armchair while I took the seat next to Ally. “No, actually. I’ve only been there a few years. I’ve been away.”

“Oh, cool. Where have you been?”

“I was in Cambodia, working for Doctors Without Borders.”

“Wow! That must have been an amazing experience.”

“It was. I only came back because my mom got sick. After she passed away, I didn’t feel I could leave Dad on his own, so I stayed, got a job at the nursing home so I could be close to him. I keep saying I’ll go back, but it’s been three years now, so…” She shrugged. “Who knows?”

“I’m so sorry to hear about your mom.”

“Me too,” I said sympathetically.

“Thank you.” Emma smiled her sweet smile and took a swig of beer. “I’m half starved. How long til lunch, do you think?”

Ally checked her watch. “Another five. We could start plating up though.”

“I’ll organize some chairs. We can just have it out in the garden, maybe?”

“Great idea,” I agreed.

“On it.”