Page 28 of Finding Zara

“Thanks.” I pulled off the heavy drapes, letting them drop so Ally could catch them.

“Straight out to the washing machine?”

“Yes, please. And then I’ll fill up the bucket, and we can get started on these windows.” I climbed down from the ladder as Ally gathered up the curtains and went out. Just as I started to fill the bucket at the kitchen sink, I cocked my head. I could just make out the sound of a car pulling up over the din of Ally’s music.That would be Gabe, I thought, flicking the tap off and going out to greet him. Stopping short on the front doorstep, I tried to make sense of what I was seeing. There was Gabe, paused in the middle of my lawn, looking toward the washing machine. I followed his gaze. Ally was staring straight back at him. Interesting. I cleared my throat, breaking the moment, and watched, amused, as Gabe seemed to give himself a shake before moving his gaze to me.


“Hi.” He looked at Ally again, clearly hoping to be introduced as she walked closer toward us.

“This is my friend, Allegra.” I had no idea why I’d just used Ally’s full name. I never did that.

“Allegra,” Gabe said softly, taking Ally’s outstretched hand in his. He held on to it just long enough for it to get weird, but Ally didn’t seem to mind, as far as I could tell. When he finally let go, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jeans, taking a step back as another man walked across the lawn to them. “This is my brother, Jake.”

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” He was slightly shorter than Gabe, his hair a lighter brown. Where Gabe’s eyes were dark blue and soulful, Jake’s were gray and maybe…brooding? Somber? I wasn’t sure quite what the word would be.

Once the introductions were complete, Ally said, “Curtains are in the machine, Zara. I’ll be inside.” I was surprised as she hurried into the house. She was normally all for standing around and ogling when good-looking men were around.

“Okay, thanks.”

Gabe pulled himself together after Ally disappeared inside. “I think we’re ready to get started. If we need anything, I’ll let you know.”

“Great, thanks.”

“Jacob, shall we?” Gabe slapped Jake on the shoulder.

“We shall, Gabriel.” The two men turned together and headed across the yard.

I laughed as I watched them go.

I went back inside to find Ally up on the ladder, vigorously scrubbing at the windows. “Nice to have a couple more hot guys around, hey?” Grabbing a cloth, I started on the lower half of the window.

“Yup,” Ally replied, not looking at me. It was so totally unlike her to be so quiet. I pursed my lips thoughtfully and continued cleaning the window.

We worked in silence, until a short while later there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it, surprised to see Emma. “Hi!”

Emma flashed her radiant smile. “Morning! Just thought I’d pop in and see how you were going and if you needed any help.” She saw right away that I was about to decline politely and she held up a hand. “Okay, forget that. I’m not asking. I’m telling. I’ve got energy to burn, and my house is spotless, so I thought I’d burn it here.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, swinging the door wide to let her in. “Just through here. We’re window washing. Still want to burn your energy here?”


“Hey Ally. Good to see you again.”

“Hi Emma, it’s good to see you too.” Ally’s smile was friendly enough, but I could see the strain underneath.

“I’ll just grab another cloth for you.” I’d barely handed over the cloth when there was another knock on the door. “Who could that be?” I muttered as I went to answer it. “Pretty much everyone I know is already here—Lucy! Hi.”

“Hey. Matt mentioned you’d ripped out the kitchen, so I thought I’d drop in and check out the gaping wound.”

“Sure, sure. Come on in.” Closing the door behind her, I followed Lucy into the kitchen, barely stopping myself from bumping into her when she stopped short in the doorway.

“Em! I had no idea you’d be here!”

“Lucy! I haven’t seen you for ages.” The two women hugged, then I introduced Lucy and Ally.

“May as well give me a cloth too, if everyone’s working.”

Laughing, I handed Lucy a cloth. “Sure thing. I’ll grab a second bucket.”