Page 80 of Finding Zara

“That sounds perfect to me.”

“God, I’m so happy.”

“I’m glad. Do you want to actually, you know, put the ring on?”

“Oh, yes, I do!” I held my hand out for him, noticing the way it was shaking when he slid the ring on. “It’s so beautiful, so perfect. How did you know?”

“The sapphire was to match your eyes. The rest was a lucky guess.”

“More than a lucky guess, I would say.” I eyed him suspiciously when he just shrugged. “Ally helped you?”

“She might have…pointed me in the right direction.” His eyes were dancing.

“I had no idea she was so good at keeping a secret. What a brat.”

“You can call her on the way over to Mom and Dad’s, if you like.” He stood up, pulling me to my feet and into his arms.

“Okay. Let’s go. I can’t wait for their reactions. Wait, your mom won’t mind if we drop a bomb like this on her birthday?”

“No, she’ll love it.”

I sighed happily, resting my head against his chest for a long moment. “We really should get going.”

“We should. We’re late now. It’ll be a grand entrance, for sure. I’ll take this.” He grabbed the bottle of champagne, then we dashed inside to get our coats and the snack platter, which I figured I could finish putting together quickly on the way there, before jumping in the truck. We decided to take Bess with us, since she had been such a good girl rescuing the ring and bringing it to me.

“Okay, I’ve got exactly two minutes to call Ally.” I put the call through on speakerphone, said, “You dirty dog!” And that was it. She knew. I laughed when she shrieked loud enough to make Matt wince and Bess bark loudly in the back.

“Congrats, you guys. I’m so, so happy for you.”

“Thank you, we are too!”

Matt pulled into his parents’ drive and cut the engine. Before he could open the door, though, I put my hand on his arm, stopping him.

“Just one more thing. Wait.” I flicked the interior light on and turned the phone to video. “I have to ask you a favor.”

“Name it.”

I smiled. I knew that was exactly what she would say. “We’re going to have a really short engagement, looking at a wedding in early spring. Will you help me cater it?”

“Of course! But knowing the Coopers, I think we’ll need to rope my mom and dad in as well, because even if you’re planning a small, intimate affair, not gonna happen.”

Matt chuckled. “That’s probably true.”

“Okay, that’s so great, thank you.”

“No problem.”

“Oh, and…”


“Will you be my maid of honor?” There was silence for a moment, and I squinted at the screen in the dim light of the truck cabin, suddenly a little worried. She’d been a bridesmaid for my first wedding. Maybe she didn’t want to again. “Ally?”

“Fuck yes, I will.” Her voice was clogged with emotion.

I blew out a breath, blinking back tears. “Thank you. So much. Okay, we’d better go in, we’re already late. Love you.”

“Love you, too. I’ll see you tomorrow.”