Page 46 of Finding Zara

“The nachos are good,” Jake offered.

“Sweet! Everybody in?” Ally looked around the table, saw everyone was in agreement. “My treat. Jake, you wanna come help me with some more drinks?”


I sighed, making Matt turn to me. “What’s up?”

I leaned closer to him and murmured, “Ally’s in a mood.” We both glanced at Gabe, who was watching Ally weave through the crowd to the bar. Matt turned back to me, a question in his eyes. “Bingo. I think it does have something to do with that, but I can’t figure out what.” Ally and Jake returned, placing two trays on the table. “What’s this?”

“Tequila.” Ally placed a shot glass in front of each of us and a plate of lime wedges and a salt shaker in the center of the table.

“Ally…” My tone was low, with a hint of warning in it.

Ally gave me a look of wide-eyed innocence. “What? Let loose a bit. We worked our asses off today.” She slid two glasses closer to Matt.

“Not for me, thanks. I’m driving.”

“Me either, Ally, I’m driving too, remember?” Emma was eyeing the shots longingly.

Matt smiled at her. “Leave your car here if you like. I’ll drop you all home, if you can take Lucy, Gabe?”


“Thank you!” Emma said, beaming as she reached for a shot glass and slice of lime, sprinkling some salt on her hand when she had everything else in front of her.

Ally turned to Gabe, a challenging glint in her eye. He shook his head at her, amusement lighting his eyes. “Suit yourself.” She redistributed the glasses amongst everyone else, then said, “Ready. Lick, shoot, suck.”

I felt the tequila burn the back of my throat as I swallowed it and grimaced. “Gah, God, that’s gross.” I pushed the second shot glass away, eyes widening as Ally took it and added it to her collection. Emma seemed to cope better with her shot, laughing as she, Jake, Ally and Lucy went for round two, but she shook her head when Ally suggested a third. My eyes widened again as Ally downed the next two shots in quick succession, outpacing Jake.

“Christ, Ally, take it easy, you’re gonna puke.”

“Jake. Please. I was weaned on grappa.” She downed the last shot, cheering loudly when a waiter arrived with two large plates of nachos and placed them on the table, hurriedly taking the empty drinks trays Ally handed him. I felt my stomach rumble at the delicious smell and reached for a corn chip smothered with cheese and guac. “That’s it, Zee, lay down your foundation.”

I rolled my eyes, turning to Matt as he raised an enquiring brow. “She means eat enough food to absorb the huge amounts of alcohol she’s about to pump into me.”

Matt laughed. “You could just say no.”

“I could. Or—”

“Attagirl!” Ally clapped her hands before taking a swig of beer.

We scarfed down the nachos in no time and Ally was off to the bar again. Lucy grabbed her arm as she climbed down from her stool, leaned in and said something quietly. They both looked at me, then Ally grinned and nodded, dragging Lucy to the bar with her. “Uh oh. I think I’m in trouble now.”

“Looks that way,” Matt observed.

He wasn’t wrong. They returned with another round of beers and a tray of shots. “Gin & Tonic for my lady this time.” Ally placed a tall glass in front of me.

“Much better, thanks.” I took a sip, then eyed the two shot glasses being pushed across the table to me. “What now?”

“Cock sucking cowboys!” Lucy exclaimed jubilantly, handing them out. “You ready?” She looked at Ally, Emma, Zara and Jake in turn. “Three, two, one!” We threw the shots back, Emma’s sigh of satisfaction as she slammed the empty glass triumphantly on the table, making everyone laugh. She squinted up at the television screen. “What’s the score?”

“Bulls up by six, top of the ninth.”

“Shit. I thought we’d give them a better run than that.” She squinted at the screen again. “What inning are we in?”

Jake laughed. “Jesus, Em, you’re pretty trashed already.”

Emma frowned at him. “I’m fine.”