Page 3 of Finding Zara

“Okay. I’ll poke around down here then head outside. I’ll holler if I have any questions.”

“Sounds great,” I mumbled before heading back to the kitchen.

Ally came back ten minutes later, throwing her keys on the counter and handing me my coffee. “Christ on a cracker, did you see that guy?” Her dark eyes were sparkling. “Where is he? I’m going to take him his coffee and feast my eyes again.”

“Uhh…down the hall, in the bathroom, I think.”

“Youthink? As if you don’t know exactly where he is, with your sex radar finely tuned to his every move?”

“My sex radar? Is that even a thing?”

But I was speaking to thin air. Ally had already zoomed off down the hallway with Matt’s coffee. I turned the fry pan back on and started some toast. I suddenly felt very hungry, but I wasn’t sure it was for bacon and eggs.

Ally was back in an instant. “He said he’ll head out the back when he’s done in the bedrooms. I’ve closed all the doors so we can talk.” I rolled my eyes affectionately as Ally reached for a spatula and moved the scrambled eggs around in the pan. “So, it’s a pretty well-established fact that I’m a smoke show, right?”

“Uh huh.” Where the hell was Ally going with this?

“You and I went out a lot back in the day, before you hooked up with Fuck Face, right?”

“His name was Greg, but yeah.”

“Greg. Whatever. Now tell me this. How many times, when we were out, did you get hit on if I was there?”

“I’m not the kind of girl guys hit on. You know that,” I murmured. Except for Greg. He’d seemed so into me from the start. And he’d known exactly what to say to make me trust him, the jerk.

“Exactly! You’re gorgeous, of course, I’ve always said that. But while I have a come-hither vibe that drives men wild, yours is more of a please-fuck-off vibe that most men respond to by doing exactly that.”

“Sure. And?”

“This guy? This absolute stud muffin? This freaking Adonis? He walked in here, literally caught you in his arms like a real-life prince, and did he look at me? Even once? He did not. He could not take his eyes off you. I swear, for the longest time he was just looking at yournose.”


“It is not bullshit! He’s into you. You should go for it. A good fuck would do you wonders. Lord knows you’ve earned it.”


“Come on! Blow off some of the cobwebs. Get back in the game.”

“I don’twantto get back in the game.”

“So, you’re just going to be single forever? You’re gonna let that piece of shit have the last word? You’re gonna let him break you?”

I thought for a moment. No! I was not going to let him win! I straightened my spine. “You’re right. I’m not going to let him break me.”

Ally’s dark eyes widened. “So, you’re going to do the stud muffin?”

“Of course not. He’s working for me.”

Ally’s shoulders sagged in disappointment. “What, then?”

“I don’t know, exactly. Yet. But thanks for the pep talk.”

“I bet you he could make you come five times in a night. He’d fuck you all the way into next week.”

“All-e-gra! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”

Ally grinned. “Only after I’ve washed it out with soap.”