Page 45 of Super Secret Baby

Derek smiles at me and says, "Okay. Well, now that we got that all cleared up, I should get out of here and let you two get back to parenting. I'll call you both soon to check in on you," Derek says.

He walks over and says goodbye to Felicity, who is now sleeping soundly up against Bella’s chest. Then I get up and walk him to the door. We give each other a quick bro hug and then I close the door on him.

Once he leaves, I turn back to Bella.

"Let me help you with the baby," I say.

I take Felicity from her arms, which causes her to wake up again, of course. She seems a bit gassy, so I burp her some more. After that, I walk around the living room holding her in my arms.

I rock her and sing to her, which soon gets her back to sleep. Then I go to the spare bedroom and place her in her crib. When I return to the living room, Bella and I sit on the couch and talk about everything.

"So, things really did work out," I remark.

"Yes, I wasn’t sure they would. When I first opened the door to Derek, I didn't know it was going to be him. I was shocked to see him standing there. I thought it was you— that you had come back because you had forgotten something. I'm glad that it was him and that everything is back to normal now," she responds.

"Me too," I say with a smile. “I turned around and came back as soon as I got the message from him. I really wanted things to work out.”

"Well, we have some celebrating to do,” she says and smiles playfully.

“Yeah. I’ve already made Coach wait this long, so I think I have a few more minutes.”

I lean in and kiss her again. She's still wearing her nightgown. I slip my fingers into her panties and begin stroking her pussy. She gets wet and moans. I finger her gently and bring her close to the edge.

She lays back on the couch. I pull my pants off and slide my dick into her. She's so close but she’s fighting to hold it back.

Her quiet moans give her away. I plunge into her pussy again and again until we both cum together. She's weak and dizzy as I pull out of her.

I help her stand up as we pull on our clothes.

"You have no idea how happy I am," I say with a smile.

She smiles back and says, "I’m pretty sure I do because I'm so happy too. Today has been incredible.”

"Yes, it really has been," I reply.

I give her a deep kiss and then I turn and leave the house.

Now I really do have to get to the stadium where I’m meeting up with my coach and some other players to review some potential candidates to join our team next season.

I arrive with a smile on my face. I'm still smiling as I join them in my coach’s office. My coach and my teammates notice it.

They tease me a little bit about my strange, happy mood, but I don't mind. They also tease me about being late and having to wait on me to start, but when I tell them it’s because I had a baby, they say it’s a good excuse.

I take out my phone and show them some pictures of Felicity that I took. Even the biggest, strongest players on my team “ooh” and “awww” at them.

I feel lucky to be a dad, even though it wasn’t what I’d had in mind initially. There’s something really special about this responsibility.

I feel like my life is on the right track and that it's finally complete. I feel like nothing else can go wrong.

This is the most optimistic I've ever fucking felt.

I’m happy to be a dad, and happy to be with Bella, the love of my life.

Now I havetwoloves of my life, although one of them is a curvy goddess and the other one is super tiny.

Coach plays some videos some of the potential recruits and scouts have sent in and we discuss them. Then he plays some clips of the Super Bowl—of me winning the game for the Leviathans.

Despite all the happiness and the dream-like qualities that I feel, I manage to keep a humble head on my shoulders and thank my teammates when they compliment me about how well I played.