Page 3 of The Last Remains

Chapter 2

Ruth drives back to the university in a state of barely contained rage. The brief thought comes into her head that this is how Nelson always feels when he’s behind the wheel. But she files Nelson away for another day. She left the Red Lady Tea Rooms as soon as DC Tony Zhang arrived. Tony, as ever, looked like he could hardly contain his excitement at the thought of a new case.

‘We’ll check the missing persons’ files,’ he told Ruth and Edward. ‘Can you say how old the skeleton is, Dr Galloway?’

Ruth was grateful for the respectful form of address although she actually wouldn’t have minded Tony calling her Ruth. He even babysat Kate last year.

‘I can’t be sure yet,’ she said. ‘But the metal in the foot looks fairly new. Inserted in the last twenty years, I’d say.’

‘Is it a complete skeleton?’

‘Yes, fully articulated, completely defleshed.’

‘I’ll inform the coroner,’ said Tony, sounding thrilled. ‘Can you excavate?’

‘You don’t really need me if it’s recent,’ said Ruth, ‘but given this is a historical site I’ll apply for a Home Office licence. I need to get back to my students now.’

‘But the boss is on his way,’ said Tony. ‘I’m sure he’d want to see you.’

‘Tell Nelson to send me an email,’ said Ruth. She allows herself a slight smile at the thought of Nelson’s face when he gets this message. Nelson is now living apart from his wife, Michelle, and Ruth knows that people are assuming that it’s only a matter of time before he moves in with her, Ruth. But it’s more complicated than that. Ruth and Nelson have a child together, but Ruth doesn’t want Kate to think that they are now one big happy family, if that’s not the case. Nelson also has three children with Michelle, two grown-up daughters and a young son. He wants to have what he calls a ‘proper chat’ about it but Ruth thinks it’s too soon. Which is partly why she’s now driving like a fury through King’s Lynn’s myriad roundabouts.

Only partly, though. Right now, Ruth’s main concern is her department and her livelihood. David sent her a screenshot of the announcement because Ruth does not have a Twitter account.

In the face of challenging economic pressures and declining interest in the subject, UNN regretfully announces the closure of its archaeology department.

We need to fight back, David texted.I’m starting a twitter account.Ruth sighs as she approaches the familiar sign for the Natural Sciences building. She fears and distrusts social media, but David is probably right. Perhaps they’ll have their own hashtag. It’s all very depressing.

As Ruth predicted, DCI Harry Nelson is not delighted to be greeted with the news that Dr Galloway has just left, nor is he mollified by the email suggestion. He paces the basement room several times, muttering.

‘Long time, no see,’ says Edward Spens, which doesn’t help the situation.

‘Every time I see you, Mr Spens,’ says Nelson, ‘there’s another bloody dead body. Anyone else would get suspicious. Maybe I should be suspicious?’

Edward Spens laughs although there’s no sign that this is a joke.

‘Dr Galloway says the body is relatively recent,’ says Tony Zhang. ‘There’s a metal pin in the ankle. She’s going to apply for a licence to excavate.’

‘We need to search the missing persons’ files,’ says Nelson, ‘and the title deeds to the shop. Who had it before you?’

‘It was an antique shop,’ says Spens. ‘The Emporium of Wonder. Owner went bust because of lockdown. I got it very cheaply.’ He grins like this is a good thing. Which it obviously is for him.

‘Bit of a new departure for you, isn’t it?’ says Nelson, who has come to a stop by the hole in the wall. ‘I thought you were all about building huge estates of hideous modern houses.’

‘Executive homes,’ corrects Spens, but without rancour. ‘This is for the wife really. Kids are growing up, she fancies getting into the catering business. I’ve bought two premises, one in King’s Lynn and one in Holt. They’ll both have managers but Marion will oversee things.’

Nelson has only met Marion Spens once, but he can imagine her being one of nature’s overseers.

‘I’ll need the name of the previous owner,’ he says.

‘Sharon Gleeson,’ says Edward promptly. ‘I’ve got her details here.’ He takes out an iPhone that looks as big as a laptop. Nelson remembers a time when they all assumed that phones would get smaller and smaller but now the latest ones barely fit in your pocket. His private phone is several years old and has a cracked screen. He has a more up-to-date version for work but he’s not about to tell Spens the number.

‘Give the details to my sergeant,’ he says. ‘I need to seal the site. It’s a crime scene now, until further notice. Tony, you wait here until the SOCO team arrives. I’m going to talk to Dr Galloway.’

They all know that he doesn’t mean via email.

Nelson arrives at the university intending to have a serious talk with Ruth, starting with the dead body and ending up with why the hell won’t she move in with him. But he finds her office full of people, all of them looking very glum, even for academics.

‘Oh, hallo, Nelson,’ says Ruth. ‘You’ve caught us at a bad time. The university’s closing us down.’