Page 22 of The Last Remains

‘Tanya interviewed Ballard this morning. She thought there was something definitely off about him.’

‘I can’t imagine that they’d get on.’

‘Tanya’s very sharp.’

‘I think so too. Do you think Ballard might have had something to do with Emily’s disappearance?’

‘He’s definitely a person of interest. After all, he was one of the last people who saw her alive.’

‘I think I will meet him in Cambridge.’

‘Well, if you do, be careful. You know he was a friend of Cathbad’s?’

‘I didn’t know that,’ says Ruth.

‘Cathbad was even on the field trip, the one before Emily died.’

‘So, he knew her too?’

‘Seems so.’

Ruth wonders why this information makes her feel quite so anxious. She can hear the echo of her own feelings in Nelson’s voice.

He says, ‘I’m driving over there now to have a word with him.’

‘What do you mean, have a word with him? Is he. . .’ Ruth hesitates, hardly able to form the words. ‘Is he asuspect?’

‘He’s a witness,’ says Nelson. ‘We’re talking to everyone who was with Emily that weekend. That’s all.’

But, somehow, Ruth isn’t reassured.

‘This is a bit unusual, isn’t it?’ says Cathbad. ‘The DCI making house calls.’

‘Doctors make house calls,’ says Nelson. ‘This is just a chat.’

‘I don’t think they do any more,’ says Cathbad. ‘Even lovely Dr Patel. Well, it had better be quick. I’m picking up the kids in a bit.’

It’s only two o’clock. Either schools are finishing earlier these days– which wouldn’t surprise Nelson– or Cathbad is not keen on a chat with his old friend. They are in the kitchen, with tea and flapjacks, but somehow the atmosphere isn’t as peaceful as usual. Even Thing seems to be finding it hard to settle, wandering around, sighing and looking out of the window.

‘I wanted to talk about Emily Pickering,’ says Nelson.

‘Yes, I rather thought you did.’

‘The bones in the café have been formally identified as her last remains. We’ll make a statement tomorrow.’

‘My heart goes out to her parents,’ says Cathbad. ‘I hope this will bring them some closure.’

‘Did you ever meet them?’

‘No, but Emily often talked about them.’

‘You were on a field trip with Emily the weekend before she disappeared.’


‘Come on, Cathbad. Help me out a bit. Who was there? What happened? I know the parents suspected Leo Ballard. Tell me about him.’

Cathbad sighs and looks into his teacup as if expecting to see the future there. His recent weight loss makes him look older and Nelson notices that the leather bracelets he wears on his wrists are hanging loose.