Page 60 of The Reunion

"So that's it, after ten years we just call it quits?" I check with them. This is what I want. I have known for a while it's not right for me anymore, then finding out about Connor and reconnecting with Millie, I knew for sure I was just waiting for the right time to make the change. I just hope I'm not too late to have the life I really want with Amelia and the kids.

"Maybe we just finish off this latest album. It's already so close, then we call a press conference and say we’re taking a break. It's what we all need. We could do a final concert or something, go out with a bang. If and when we feel like we can start playing again, we can. But for now, we focus on our own lives," says Teo, like he has already thought it through.

"You're telling Della," Devon says, looking at me.

"With pleasure, after the stunt she just pulled. I don't trust her for a second."

Iwan puts his empty bottle down on the table in front of me then goes to the fridge, taking a new one. "What are you going to do about your girl?"

"I don't know. She already had major trust issues. How am I supposed to gain her trust again after this shit?"

"We work out how to prove it wasn't you," says Devon, taking a drag on his smoke.

I love his optimism, but right now I can’t see how that is even possible. “How do we do that?” I ask the lot of them, needing any ideas they can throw at me.

"Is this your pretty pink phone?" Teo asks, holding up a phone from my countertop and inspecting it.

"Nope." I grin, feeling a little hope creep in for the first time since I watched that video last night. I know exactly who it belongs to. Elara.

"If we can get access to the messages in here and see who it really was who sent those texts pretending to be you, I think we will have our answer. You might have to name your next kid after me for saving your balls, though, man."

"I know a guy who can crack it, give it to me," Iwan says, taking the phone from Teo.

"So, we get into the phone, solve the mystery of who is catfishing Elara as you so you can get your family back, then we release the last album, announce 4 Smoking Coyotes are going on a break, and have one last epic concert. Sounds like a plan." Iwan smiles like he likes the sound of all that. "Does anyone else feel like we're a part of the Scooby-Doo gang?" Devon chuckles, lightening the mood. I can always count on him to offer some comic relief when things get a bit tense.

"I would like to think of us as more The Avengers coming in to save the day," says Teo, and the others laugh.

I would be more amused if it weren’t my life we were trying to put back together. But without these guys I would be drunk off my ass probably passed out on my kitchen floor by now, so I'm grateful for their help now more than ever.



Iwasn'tsureifI made the right decision by coming to Paris, but now that I'm here and can see the kids’ excited little faces, I know I did. This is a trip they will remember for the rest of their lives. And hopefully, by the time we get home, all the craziness will have calmed down a bit so we can get on with our normal lives. We arrived yesterday and settled into the charming mid-century apartment, with Victorian twists and turns dotted around the space that spice up the furnishings. If I didn't know better, I would think Julian had picked it especially for me. He knows I have a thing for charming architecture and styling. This morning he has asked us to meet him at his office so we can dive right into designing the new collection. So, we ducked into a delightful little bakery on our way and grabbed the kids some of those chocolate croissants I enjoyed so much last time I was here.

As we step out of the elevator at the Blanchet building, we’re greeted by Julian's warm, friendly face. Just like last time he's leaning up against the opposing wall, more relaxed this time, in a white linen shirt and navy slacks. "Amelia." He approaches us, taking my face in his hands with a kiss to each cheek. "And this must be Ruby and Connor. I'm so excited to have you all here with me."

"We’re excited to be here," I say for all of us. The kids stare into the massive office in disbelief. They have spent countless Saturdays in my design studio with me, but this is something else, and I'm not surprised by their reaction. It matches my own when I first got here.

"Kids, go right up ahead to the big office at the back; I have a surprise for you," he tells them, and their little eyes light up with delight.

He drops his hand to the small of my back, and even though I have been here before, directs me along the way. He drops his head closer to my ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "Are you all right, dear? You're trembling."

I'm trembling because all of a sudden, I feel nervous about being here. And it has everything to do with what happened last time I was here with Heath and how Julian just looked at me. When Summer came over and told me about this trip, I didn't have time to do my usual weighing up of the pros and cons of this particular situation. I just said yes because I needed to escape so badly. I would have agreed to do just about anything to get out of California. "It's just been a strange couple of days. I can't believe I'm here again." I fake a smile, not wanting to come across as ungrateful for the opportunity I have in front of me. But I'm also not delving into the truth of my reaction.

"I'm sorry about the rock star," he mutters, sounding anything but.

I glance at him, a little confused about how he would even know. "You heard about it?" I shake my head, embarrassed. "I thought I could disappear to Paris and get away from it but maybe not."

"I only took notice because it was a story involving you,ma belle. I'm sure no one else around here would have any idea. Besides, you have nothing to be ashamed about. A man who takes advantage of such a wonderful woman like yourself is the one who should feel ashamed. You should be happy you have new options in front of you now. Life is for the taking, Amelia. We live and learn and make better choices going forward."

I can feel my entire body tense. The way he says is like he has so much more life experience than me. Yes, he's older, but he doesn't know what I have been through, and he couldn't possibly understand how this is affecting me.

I hate that everyone feels like they have the right to give me advice on my relationship with Heath because it's such public knowledge. But they don't know how sick to my stomach I feel just being away from him. How tempted I am to pick up the phone every time he calls. How I know he is my other half, and we are always supposed to be together, and being apart from him is torture, but I'm doing it to try and save myself and my children from the excruciating heartbreak I know I will have to live through every time a scandal like this drops. These strangers don't know anything.

"Thank you for your support. I would prefer not to talk about my personal life, though. I'm here to work for you, let's focus on that." I offer a tight smile, my face probably showing what I can't say.

"Perfect idea. I have lots of design work to keep you busy while you're here."