Page 11 of The Reunion

"How could I forget him, the number of times I wanted to deck him for saying something inappropriate to you? He constantly gave me shit for protecting you, like I was the one with a problem, not him."

"I'm sorry about that. I don't even know how I ended up with him. It just happened at that party I was telling you about." She looks embarrassed, and it makes me wonder what really happened with him. She had no interest in him at all, then what, I'm gone for all of two weeks and she sleeps with him? I just don't see it, she wasn't that kind of girl. “The older he gets, the more he looks like you. I know I should have seen it, but I didn’t. I'm so sorry, Heath." Her voice cracks.

"Why didn't you call me? I should have been the first one you called when you found out." That's the question playing on my mind the most. I get she would have been in shock and all, but to wait until we ran into each other at the reunion is strange.

"I told you last night. I tried so many times, but every time I got put through to one of your people, Della, is it?”

For fuck’s sake, she did try. Now that I think about it, I remember her saying something about trying to contact me right before she dropped the bomb on me and I couldn't think straight anymore. There is no way to get through Della at the moment, it wouldn't have mattered what she said or how many times she tried. “Yeah, that’s my manager.”

“Every time I called, she wouldn't let me through to you. She wouldn't even take a message! She demanded that I leave you alone. I got so desperate I even blurted out why I was calling for you. I thought she might actually help me out if she knew the truth. But instead, she threatened to have me charged with stalking you.”

“Shit, I’m sorry about that. We’ve had a few issues this past year with overexcited fans. She must have thought you were one of them.” I wince, knowing how ridiculous that must sound to her. She was my friend from childhood, and she couldn't even get in contact with me because of my current situation. Just one more thing making me feel trapped in a world I have lost all control over.

“I called your mom as well, and she said you would be home for the reunion, so I figured I could just wait till then. I didn't want to tell her because I thought you should know first. I know it’s a lot to take in. I hope you don't hate me." By the tremble of her voice, I can tell she is close to breaking down, and that's not what I want.

I take her hands over the table, and her eyes meet mine. "I don't hate you. I'm in shock. This is all a lot."

"I don't want anything from you, not money or anything, okay? I need you to know that. I have been a single parent for four years now, and I’m fine doing this on my own. I run a successful business, and I can provide for my family." She gives my hand a squeeze then lets it go. "If you want to walk away today because this is all too much, you can. I won't think any less of you."

"You think I would walk away from you now that I know this? You really do think very little of me if that’s what you think I would do." My voice is bitter with irritation, a sudden grimy feeling sliding over me. I know it’s been years, but I would have thought she knew me better than that. She knows how hard my childhood was because my father wasn’t around. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t really ever consider having a family. I didn’t want to be a deadbeat dad like him. But now that I know, I’m going to be there every step of the way.

She blinks back at me, trying to recover. "It's not what I think. I just don't want to put any pressure on you. I’ve had ten years being a parent. To find out one day you have a nearly ten-year-old is a lot to take in. I don't want you thinking I'm after your money or anything. I just wanted to tell you so you could decide what you wanted to do.”

"Does he know about me?" I ask, wondering how I even broach this situation with him. I know nothing about kids, nothing. But I'm ready and willing to learn.

"Yes. Well, kind of. He knows that his father is my high school boyfriend named Heath. I wasn’t sure how to tell him you’re a famous rock star."

“Can I meet him?” I ask, suddenly needing to know I can.

“Of course. When do you have to be back in LA?”

“I’m here for the week.” Della will probably kill me, but I need this. Family is the most important thing, and now I know I have a son, Connor. I know I need to work out how to be a part of his life sooner rather than later.

“Did you want to come over for dinner one night this week then? That way I can prepare Connor as well. He might need a little warning.”

I nod, agreeing. “That sounds like a good idea.”

"Okay, I will have a look at our schedule and work out the best day for it."

"Give me your phone, and I'll put my number in there for you. Call me whenever you need to,” I tell her, really hoping she does. I'm worried about her.

"Thanks," she says softly, handing me her phone.

"Amelia. I know this is a strange thing to ask but can we keep this on the down low for a bit? Just until I talk to my people and we work out how to broach this. I don't want any trouble for you or Connor, and the celebrity world can be a harsh place when you're not equipped to deal with it. I want to make sure your family is protected."

"If that is what you think is best."

It's what I know is best. We might just be old friends who dated for a couple of years, but her family is now my family, and I need to protect what is mine. Especially from a world I have started to despise.



WhenIarriveatmy parents’ property, everyone is out back by the pool. The kids are swimming and don't seem fazed at all that they have spent the afternoon without me. I call out to them and offer a wave, but they keep playing. “Nice to know I was missed. Thanks for having them for me, Cass," I say, coming up beside her.

"They were perfect, we had fun together." She smiles, happier and more relaxed than I have seen her in a long time. Her new life in New York agrees with her.

"Don't tell me your biological clock is ticking like Jasmine."