Page 58 of The Reunion

"I'll be okay," I tell them, trying to convince myself the most. "I just wish the kids and I could disappear off the planet for a while, until it all blows over. I don't want them having to hear about this shit at school. God, I can only imagine what Ruby's little friend Stacy will have to say about it," I mutter out loud, even though they would have no idea what I'm talking about.

"Well, I can't get you into space, I don't have that kind of pull just yet, but I might have something that could help." Summer smiles, a little too happy for my mood today.

"What?" I ask, not really expecting her to have anything much at all but needing whatever glimmer of hope she has for me to get out of this mess.

"Julian called the office this morning looking for you. His main designer has quit on him, and he has a fashion show in three weeks. The designer has done nothing to prepare for it, and he is willing to do just about anything to get you over there so you can help him out with the samples." Her eyes are bright, her teeth showing through her smile. She's over the moon by this opportunity and its timing.

"Millie, this sounds perfect," says Jasmine.

"He also said he will pay you a nice cash bonus, $10,000 US for each week you’re there, and your name will be on the show. Amelia Harper designing for House of Blanchet. Or something along those lines, you can work out the details together.”

I stare back at them, trying to process what she said. A ticket away from the media circus, and that is a lot of money, and it's mighty tempting. "What about the kids? I can't just leave them and go off to Paris for three weeks," I mutter, my mind racing with the possibilities. I need to get out of here, and this sounds too good to be true.

"You can take them with you. I don't know what you did to impress Julian so much last time you were there, but he wants you back, and he is throwing everything your way to make it happen. A private jet, all expenses paid, accommodation, and a nanny to watch the kids while you're working. You have been saying for a long time you want to give them a decent holiday. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the three of you, and you can get out of California while this is all going on."

"What about Heath?" I stutter out, actually considering the offer.

Jasmine takes me by both arms, forcing me to look her in the eyes. "We don't always know why these things happen, but sometimes you just have to take the opportunities life throws at us. Who knows where it might lead you? Heath will still be here when you get back, and the two of you can deal with this mess then. With fresh eyes and a clear mind."

I stare back at her, wondering if I really could do this. It sounds crazy, and part of me is worried if I take off now, what happens to us? Whatever is left of us, I still want to hold on to hope that this isn't what it seems, even though all signs point to it being legit.

"Isn't it you who said you will never say no to an opportunity?" Summer agrees with Jasmine.

"I did, but this is..." I look between their hopeful faces, and I know this is what I need right now. A distraction so big it literally takes me to another country. My head starts bobbing up and down on its own, like one of those dogs that sits in the back of your car. "You’re right, this is perfect," I agree with them.

They both grin at me. "Awesome, a car will be here at three o'clock to take you to the airport."

My eyes flick nervously back to Summer. "You organized it all already?" I ask, surprised she went ahead without my okay.

"Millie, I know you. You weren't saying no to this opportunity."

"Are you going to be okay without me?" I ask her more seriously. I feel terrible running away from my problems and leaving her for so long to deal with the business here.

"I'll be just fine. We don't have any deadlines, and the rest of the business I can run with my eyes closed. Go," she assures me.

"Sounds like you better brush up on your French, Sissy.”

I just laugh at Jasmine, not able to believe what I have just agreed to. My French is terrible, and I'm sure three weeks won't improve it. Luckily for me, Julian's English is good enough it makes up for my lack of culture. But this is what I need, a chance to disconnect from reality with my family and do what I really love, design, in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It feels crazy, but I know it's the right decision. And when I get back and the media circus has calmed down, I will work out what to do about Heath.


Ipullintomyestate driveway just after midday and press the buzzer for the gate to open. Paparazzi are lining up to catch a glimpse, and I'm grateful for my tinted windows and the long driveway that separates my house from their prying cameras. I stayed back in Palm Springs with my mom and sister last night, wanting to be close in case Amelia called to talk about it all. I was stupidly hoping she would realize there was no way I could have cheated on her. But each time I watch the video Elara posted, I became surer she will never speak to me again. I don't know how Elara did it or why she wants to fuck with me so badly, but she made it look believable, even to me, and I know I didn't do anything with her.

I park out of view in the garage. Panic is racing through my body as I unpack my car and drag my sorry ass through the door from the garage. I know I need to fix this, this can't be over, it just can't. I don't want to be away from her and the kids. They’re the only thing that's important to me now. I just don't have any idea how I can fix what Elara's done. Mom thinks I just need to give Millie time to see it couldn't have been me, that she will come around. But I don't have time. I already know with the number of paparazzi at my place, she must be getting hammered by them as well. I promised to protect her and the kids from this, the ugly side of fame, and I can't.

I dump my bag down by the door and try her number again with no luck, the call going straight to voicemail. I run a hand through my hair, tugging at the ends, and let out a sigh. My body is tense from a sleepless night of tossing and turning. I can only imagine how Millie is doing today.

"You’re home, baby." I hear a voice from behind me, and my blood runs cold.

I spin round to see Elara in the middle of my living room in nothing but a floral silk robe, like she’s supposed to be here. She has also changed her look a whole lot and now sports a shorter haircut almost identical to the long bob Amelia wears. It’s fucking freaky. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I utter, surprised as hell to see her, or anyone for that matter. This place is supposed to be as secure as Fort Knox.

"Waiting for you," she purrs with a flirtatious smile, like it's obvious, and I see it, that fucking crazy look in her eyes. A switch has been flicked, and this woman is erring on the side of psycho. She's scary.

"How did you get in here?" I stutter out. My brain can't quite get with the program to work out what else to say to her.

She smiles all sweetly, batting her long lashes. "With the code you texted me silly. I thought you might like to celebrate." She holds up the bottle of champagne she has in her grip.

My heart races, and I'm not sure if I should call the cops or just get the hell out of here myself and never come back. "Celebrate what? That you have just made me look like a lying cheating asshole to the entire country, if not the world? Why would I have any reason to celebrate with you?" I shout, my temper getting the better of me. Why is this girl trying to destroy my fucking life?