Page 54 of The Reunion

She hooks her thumbs in the side of her thong, dragging it down her legs. "Can you fuck me now please?" She spreads her legs wide for me. My dirty girl needs a good fucking to know just how real this is.

"Yeah, you were made for me." I smirk, quickly unbuckling my pants and shoving them down my legs. My fingers dig into her ass as I bury my cock in her hot pussy. "Fuck," I hiss. This is what I have needed all night, for her to take away all the pressure I'm feeling, take away the stress. Her legs wrap around me like she is trying to pull me in closer. I lift her off the counter so I can get a better angle and kiss her sweet lips while I'm thrusting into her.

Her head rests to the side. I push her hair away and nibble her earlobe as I move inside of her. “Heath, I’m either so drunk I’m seeing things, or someone is watching us through the window.” She’s gone pale.

I glance over my shoulder just in time to see a flash of gray move past the window into the dark. “Fuck, you’re right.” I pull away from her and run toward the front of the house to check the security system. The hairs on the back of my arms stand up when I see them. The person runs through the front yard and disappears through the hedge by the side gate. I check over the system, not understanding how they could have slipped through without us knowing. I can't see any signs of other people, and in my gut, I already know it's the girl who has been bothering us. She is obsessed.

"Was it someone?" Amelia whispers from behind me in the hallway. She's back in her dress and looking scared as hell.

"Yeah." I run a hand through my hair. "But they got away."

"This is so fucking creepy, Heath. How did they get past your system?"

I look over the screen. "It looks like it was disabled. But I'm sure I set it when I got in." I know I did.

She comes to join me, snuggling in. "We have had a lot to drink, and you had other things on your mind. Maybe you forgot?"

I kiss her head. "Yeah, maybe," I say, hoping it will stop her from worrying, even though I know I didn't.

I look over the system again. "It's definitely on now. I’m going to have to get someone to check out the perimeter fence tomorrow, though. That's how they got out. There must be a hole or something."

"And maybe this time you should call the cops, not rely on Della. I don't trust her, Heath."

I don't want to believe it, but I know Amelia's right. Della is acting really weird, and in the past, she has always been the one to deal with every stalker-fan situation. Part of me wonders if she ever really reported anything at all. She told me it was dealt with, but was it? It shouldn't still be happening if it was.

"Yeah, this time I'll deal with it." Maybe I have more to worry about than just a crazed fan. "Let's get you into bed," I tell her, trying to salvage the night and hopefully get the worried look off her face. Tomorrow, I will deal with this mess.



Afamiliarfigurestandsin my doorway, an air of confidence to her I don't like. Everything about her is styled to perfection, from her Prada bag to her red-soled shoes. She drums her manicured blood-red nails on the bag likes she is impatiently waiting to be allowed in my office. I save what I was working on, not rushing for her benefit, and stand from my desk, walking around to greet her with a tight smile. "Elara, what can I do for you?"

"Hi, I hope you don't mind I came to see you at your studio?" she says, a hint of smugness to her smile.

I knew I didn't like her much the first time I met her. Printing something Heath asked her not to and now turning up at my work without an appointment, like her job is more important than mine, when I'm already swamped with work has really pissed me off this morning. Or maybe it's all the shit Della put in my head on Saturday night. I know I told Heath I trust him, and I do, but there is a constant nagging feeling in my gut that something's not right here. Then what happened with the creepy stalker fan has just tipped my cortisol levels over the top. My nerves are frazzled.

I motion to the couch where she can take a seat. "No, that's fine, what can I do for you?" I choose to stand, leaning back against my desk instead. I don't want her thinking we're going to be having a nice chit-chat all morning. I have a meeting with Julian in half an hour.

She sits, taking her time to cross one long leg over the other. Her eyes scan the surroundings of my office, like she is looking for clues; to what, I have no idea, but I don't like it. Is she doing another story, is that why she's here? "It's a bit awkward to talk about." She looks to the open door, like I should close it.

I don't move other than to cross my arms over my chest; something about her today is making me feel really uncomfortable. "What is?" I get out through clenched teeth. I don't have the energy for some shitty mind games today.

She flicks her long blonde hair over her shoulder and grins back at me. I can tell she's the kind of girl who has gone through life getting what she wants because of her looks. Pretty girl privilege I think it's called, and she has the confidence of a girl who has been handed everything she wants. "You must have seen the chemistry Heath and I had when I interviewed you?" She flutters her long obviously fake lashes.

My skin prickles with irritation, the fake smile I had painted on to get me through this chat morphing into a deathly glare. Did she just say chemistry? What the fuck is she talking about? "Why are you here, Elara?" I demand, my voice filled with the bitterness she just put there.

She smiles with the innocence of a child trying to pull one over on her parents. I see that look daily from Ruby. "To let you down easily before you get too invested in him. He's an amazing man, I can see why you like him so much. But he's not yours like you think." She bites into her lip like she is trying to control herself from saying too much.

Even though I know it’s total bullshit, it has to be, every word still feels like tiny daggers stabbing at me in the chest. I don't know why but part of me always knew a conversation like this would happen at some point, being involved with someone who has mega fame like Heath does, and I'm surprised how I feel about it. I thought I would feel hurt or betrayed by him, but I'm angry at her. So fucking fuming I don't even know what to do with it. This bitch thinks she can get under my skin and cause me to break up with him because she claims he is hers. It's pathetic.

"I suppose he’s yours, is he?" I say in return, trying to work out exactly what her angle is here.

She looks relieved. "Yes. I'm so sorry, I know you’re both enjoying playing house now that he knows about his son, but he was mine first, and I need to ask you to politely back off. You know, leave before you get left, it's better for you."

Any time he's not in the studio or with the guys, he's with me, so I know for a fact she's full of shit. But the audacity for her to come in here and make claims like this, it causes my chest to tighten painfully. I push off my desk, walking toward her, looking her up and down, like is she fucking serious? She hasn't moved, just keeps staring back at me all doe-eyed. This bitch is a real piece of work and maybe even a little crazy to think she can ask me toback off. "So nice of you to come to my office, politely asking me to step away from my boyfriend," I mutter, sarcasm dripping off my every word. "Can I ask you something, Elara?"

"Anything." She smiles sweetly, like she has already won. Is she vapid?