Page 63 of The Fear

When her hands are free, she pushes off the blindfold, blinking her eyes to adjust to the light, and her gaze comes to me. "You know bringing me here and showing me what I’ve been missing out on my whole life was a mistake, right?"

I brush the hair away from her face. "Why is that?"

"Because I could get addicted to this, to the way you made me feel here today."

"How did I make you feel?" I need to know everything, every little detail that is running through her head right now. Sometimes I feel like the only time we really understand each other is while we’re fucking, and I want to hold on to it.

"I felt treasured, like you could see me for who I really was and you're okay with it. Like I was on a stage illuminated by the spotlight, just for you."

"I'm obsessed with you, I always have been. You felt like that because that's how it is, and you better get used to it because this is only the start of what I want to explore with you." My perfect little plaything made just for me in every way possible. And I hope she feels the same way about me. We have started something that I already know I will never be able to get enough of.



Leothrowshiscardsin the middle of the dining table. "I'm out." He lights up a smoke and relaxes back in his chair to watch the rest of us fight it out.

I glance around the table. Jett's face is neutral as he flicks through his hand. He knows how to hide his thoughts. It's why he’s so good at fighting; no one ever really knows what's going on in his head. "Yeah, I'll raise." He pushes in another pile of chips, looking to Kobe and me like he couldn't give a fuck if he wins or not.

I narrow my eyes, watching Kobe. His poker face isn't as good. By the slight upturn of his lips, I know he's got a winning hand. Or at least what he thinks is one, anyway. And it'll definitely beat my four eights.

I throw my cards down. "I'm out." They both look at me, surprised. I don't normally bow out of a game, but my mind isn't in it tonight. I pick up my glass and throw back the amber liquid, hoping it will ease the tension.

Why isn't Cassie home yet? We relaxed security this week, after no other sign of any threats to me or the boys. We chalked the car accident down to an unlucky hit-and-run after not being able to trace it back to anything else. And the intruder must have just been a break-in, some asshole thinking he could steal something of value and sell it online. Leo assures me that Piper Acevedo has backed off and accepted that we’re running this crew now. So, it's life as normal. Except that means Cassie is off doing her own thing again. She has been home late most nights this week, saying she has a ballet student that needs extra help, but it's starting to feel like she’s avoiding me.

After a stare-off with Jett, Kobe pushes all his chips in with a little bit too much enthusiasm. "All in, let's see what you got."

Jett follows his lead, shoving the rest of his chips to the center of the table, then carefully lays his cards down. The corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk.

"You've got to be fucking kidding. The one time I actually have something decent, and you have a fucking royal flush." Kobe throws his cards down and they scatter.

I collect them up so we can see what he was holding. A straight flush. "Not bad."

Jett cracks up laughing. "Yeah, not bad."

Leo pats Kobe on the back. "So close, Brother. Might want to work on your tells."

He mopes, sitting back in his chair and grabbing a drink to drown his sorrows.

I check my watch again. It's just past nine and I'm starting to worry that Cassie’s not just late but that something has actually happened to her.

"Where is she?" asks Jett, knowing where my head’s at.

"I don't fucking know, but if she's not home soon, I'm going to find her."

Kobe hits me on the back, getting my attention. "I just worked it out."

"What? How to play poker after years of us trying to teach you?" Jett laughs to himself again.

"Ha, yeah, good one. Let's see who's laughing next time when I kick your asses.” We all crack up laughing. We're only playing tonight because he bet us that he could destroy every one of us, thinking his new role as club owner has somehow improved his chances of playing in the same league as the rest of us. Kobe's not joining in on the hysterics, his features hardening with more of a look of determination. "No, I meant, I just figured out where I know the slimy fucker from."

He has been adamant that he knows Jerry from somewhere since we spotted him in the club on Saturday night. This should be good. "Enlighten me."

"He owes us money."

Leo's attention is piqued. "Who owes us money?"

"The principal at my school, Jerry Rodgers. What would he owe money for?" I asked, confused. I know he's slimy, but he's not involved in anything illegal. I just think of him like that because he's with my ma and I don't like it.