Page 47 of The Fear

Kobe slides over his laptop. "Not much more than we knew already. Chubby dude with a balaclava covering his face. I've got a cop friend checking the gun over, see if we can trace it back."

I look over the still image they’ve taken from the video; it gives nothing away at all. This guy could be any fat bastard with an addiction to fast food. "Good. Let me know if you hear anything. What's next?"

"The Stone brothers," Leo says.


"You guys are practically family now. Couldn't you just organize for us to have a little chat with him?"

"I highly doubt that would achieve anything." If anything, the fact that Axel is dating Cassie's sister Jasmine means I'm about to be on his list of assholes he wishes dead.

"We have a Halloween party at Queen of Hearts next week. Let's get them there for a little meeting then."

"Have you thought that it might have been Cassie's dad that tried to take you out yesterday? It's no secret how much he hates you. Maybe he already worked out you’re back with her and decided to deal with you permanently."

"Somehow I don't think that's the way William Harper deals with problems." But I guess we’re about to find out because she's heading over there right now to tell him about us.



Jettpullsuptomy parents’ property, in a car that couldn’t be more obvious if it tried. Dark tinted windows, flashy as fuck. Why am I not surprised that Jett Rivera feels the need to show off his cash? He's definitely the showy one, the MMA fighter with a massive ego.

Jasmine is the first to notice our arrival and comes running out the front. She throws her arms around me before I even have a chance to get properly out of the car, like she hasn’t seen me in weeks, not less than twenty-four hours. “I’m so sorry about last night, I should have stuck up for you.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Our fight feels so silly now that my world has been flipped upside down. “Jas, I need your help,” I tell her, knowing I don’t have a lot of time here and wanting this to go as smoothly as possible. She is the one with the therapy skills, and if anyone can get me through this conversation, it'll be her.

“What’s going on? Is Brandon alright?” Her features are full of concern, and I love her for it. She might not agree with me for dating him, but she still worries about his safety.

“He’s going to need a little help over the next few weeks, so I’m going to stay with him.” I go with the best lie I can come up with, hoping she won’t see through me. “Is Dad around?” I wince, knowing I have to do this.

Her eyes go wide, and she looks at me like I’ve gone crazy. Maybe I have. “No, he just ran into town with Brad.

“Okay, that’s good.” Deal with one parent at a time. My breathing is already so fast I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack.

“Did you just say you're going to stay with him?”

“Yeah,” I utter, a little less confident.

“I’m not sure…” Her eyes go wide as the driver’s-side door opens and she looks to see the dickhead that I told to stay inside so he didn’t cause a scene. “Cassandra, what are you doing with him?”

Of course he didn’t listen and is leaning up against his fancy-ass car. “I asked you to stay in the car,” I mutter back to him. I have no energy left to deal with cocky assholes today.

“Yeah, I couldn’t do that, sunshine. Couldn’t see properly in there, and I have to keep an eye on you at all times, remember? Boss’s orders.” He smirks like he hasn’t a care in the world.

I run a hand over my face in frustration. He's not helping me at all. If Jasmine caught on to the whole keep-an-eye-on-me thing, I’m screwed.

Out of nowhere I feel Axel rushing past me, and I turn to see him moving toward the car, fists ready for a fight. “What the fuck are you doing with Cassandra?” He shoves Jett in the chest.

I run after him. “Axel, stop. He’s here to help me,” I cry, getting more frustrated by the second. Too much fucking testosterone around me today, and they are going to fuck this all up.

“Axel, leave him alone. You’re not in the octagon now,” calls Jasmine. Seeing my distress, she runs after him and tries to help me get a hold of her man.

“Better listen to the little lady.” Jett laughs with smug satisfaction. This is what he wanted, to cause a scene.

Axel growls but backs off, knowing Jasmine is about to lose her shit on him. She wraps her arms around him, guiding him away. I’m surprised she has so much control over him.

Once she has him under control, her eyes return to me, and she’s not happy. Maybe I do get it. “What the hell, Cass? Start talking.”