"The bitch did what?" Andy looks up at me, anger flashing through her teary eyes.
"Don't worry, I turned her down. Obviously. She means nothing to me anymore. It's you I want to be with."
Her face softens a little. But I can tell she's still pissed, and if given the chance, she would show Madeline just what she thinks of her.
"So this could be her?" Jasmine suggests. "You turned her down tonight, maybe that was her plan. She would try and win you back, and if she didn't succeed, she retaliates by sending these threats to make sure you two stay away from each other."
"Yeah, the thought did cross my mind. I'm so sorry, beautiful. The whole thing tonight did feel weird, though, bumping into her like it was some kind of a set-up. She was acting all strange as well, saying she's staying in town now and she wants us to go on a double date or something. I don't know, I just didn't like the sound of it all. I don't trust her."
Andy looks between me and her sister. "So you think she might be the one messing with us?"
"I don't know. It sounds ridiculous when I say it out loud, but I mean, it could literally be anyone. She would have as good a reason as anyone to try and split us up, and she can be fucking crazy and manipulative when she wants things to go her way."
"Fuck, it could be her!" She turns to look at her sister, her eyes wide, and it's like a silent message is passed between them.
"What?" I ask.
"But the night of my birthday, it felt like it was a dude, or at least a chick who was into other girls. Darcy and Luna actually tried to convince me it might have been you." She laughs and it comes out nervous, like she's not fully convinced that they're wrong. This is the first I'm hearing about her friends thinking it was me. How fucked up do they think I am to pull such a stunt?
"I hope they were kidding."
Jasmine shakes her head. "They were pretty serious, Brad, but Andy and I knew it wouldn't have been you. For a start, why would you? It's pretty obvious how much you like Andy, and what would you stand to gain by threatening her to stay away from you? It makes no sense at all."
I look at Andy, shocked that she might have actually thought I could do this to her. "This was last weekend that they came to you with this idea that it was me? That's what happened to you, wasn't it? Your friends came to find you and tell you they suspected me. That's what had you all freaked out."
She looks down at her hands, guilty. "Ah, yeah, it was. I'm so sorry."
I lift her face so she's looking at me. I need to see her eyes, I need to know she doesn't still think this could be me. "Why didn't you ask me then and there?"
"Because I thought about it and what they were saying didn't make any sense. They thought you were making me feel unsafe so you could swoop in and protect me, look like the hero. But it was always me who came to you, not the other way around. And besides, whoever this is, they want to break us up. But you're doing everything for us to stay together, so it doesn't make any sense. I knew it wasn't you. I didn't need to ask you about it. I was just exhausted last weekend after the game, and then I had a fight with my two best friends. I couldn't deal with going over it all with you as well."
"Well, good. I wouldn't do anything like what they are saying. Why would they even think it was me?"
"I don't know. I guess they're just being protective of me. We're really close and they don't want to see me get hurt. It still doesn't bring us any closer to knowing who it is, and now they have your number as well."
"This is getting out of hand, Andy," says Jasmine. "We need to talk to someone else about it, get some help. You don't know how dangerous this person could get if they don't get what they want."
"Jasmine's right, we need to talk to your parents. The guy with his hand on you from inside, you said he was your ex?"
"Just my boyfriend from high school, he's harmless. He was actually apologizing for cheating on me. It was weird, but it's the first time I have bumped into him since, so I guess that's why."
"Are you for real?" I give her a serious look. She shakes her head, trying to signal that she knows what I'm thinking and that I'm wrong. She looks at Jasmine in the back.
"He's got two kids and is married to some chick he hates. Karma," she tells Jasmine, and she smirks.
She might think he is harmless, but for all we know, he could be the one we're looking for. "You sure he's harmless, not someone who is still holding a claim to you, and now that he sees you happy with someone else, he's jealous?" I raise a questioning brow. He was here tonight as well. Bit of a coincidence. He could have taken the photo, and he has motive; they dated and she left him when he cheated. He might want her back.
She shakes her head. "There's no way it's him," she says, definite in her answer. But how can she know for sure?
Her other two sisters come out of the club, and Jasmine pops open the door. "We're in here," she calls to them, and they come over, jumping in the back seat.
"You driving us all home, Brad?" slurs the younger one.
"Looks like it. Someone needs to tell me directions," I call as they all strap themselves in.
I glance over to Andy who is now staring out the front windshield. She looks so sad, and I hate the fact I had to come in and ruin her night out when she was having fun, but she had to know what was going on. And the list of possible suspects just keeps getting longer. Madeline, Andy's ex-boyfriend, some crazed fan, and if I'm being really honest, I don't trust her friends anymore. I know she says they're just looking out for her, but to throw me under the bus when I have done nothing but look after her, they seem suspicious to me now too.
Chapter Twenty-Three