"If you change your mind and get lonely tonight, call me." She gives me her version of a sexy smile, and I take that as my cue to walk away from her. She's not listening to me at all.
"Bye, Madeline," I say, not waiting for her reply.
The woman is completely deluded. She has convinced some other poor sucker to take her in and she is still trying to look for something with me, when it couldn't be any more obvious that it's over. I can't believe she has decided to stay here. I was hoping when I saw her for dinner the other week it would be the last time I ever had to, but apparently, I'm not that lucky.
When I get home, I throw off my shoes and get comfy on my leather lounge chair with my takeout food and a beer. I'm still pissed off about running into Madeline. I feel like she has an ulterior motive here or something. Running into her tonight felt weird. I don't know what she's playing at, but I don't like it, and I don't want her anywhere near Andy.
When I'm done with my food, I pull out my phone to scroll through my social apps. A photo of Andy and her sisters comes up. The four of them are at some club in Palm Springs. She's dressed in a short fitted black dress, and she looks sexy as fuck. I instantly feel possessive of her and want to take off for Palm Springs, go find her and drag her back here with me, where she should be. But I'm not a psycho, and I trust her. We might be in a weird space right now, and she's icing me out, but I know that's just the panic she has going on because of her stalker and the whole threats situation. I know we have something real going on, and I just have to give her time to work it all out. A night out with her sisters is probably exactly what she needs.
The image also highlights just how young she is, and while it's not something I have put a lot of thought into before, having Madeline bring it up again tonight, it makes me wonder… once this is no longer a fun game where we're hiding it from everyone, will she still be that keen to explore what this is?
I am at the age where I'm ready to settle down and start a family, and I know for her she's years away from that. She has to focus on her soccer career while her body is up to it. I know that better than most, it won't last forever. I don't know why I still let what Madeline says get to me so much. I can wait for those things with the right person, and I know Andy is. I just hope she's on the same page as me.
Just as I go to put my phone down, another text pops in from a number I don't recognize.
Unknown number: While the cat's away the mice will play. Better be careful, Brad. Andy hates a cheater. She won't forgive you even if you are on a break.
What the fuck? Before I have time to process what is even going on, another text comes in, and this one is a photo. It's me and Madeline from earlier tonight outside the restaurant. From the angle of the image, it looks like we're standing in an embrace. It must have been when she kissed my cheek. I wrack my brain. Madeline is manipulative as hell, and when things don't go her way, she doesn't like it, but I don't think she would stoop so low as to actually set this shit up just to break Andy and me up. Would she? We've been thinking the whole time this is some guy that's into Andy, but maybe it's not. Maybe it's Madeline, jealous as hell and out for revenge on me.
Another message follows.
Unknown number:Andy deserves so much better than you. Lucky she has me looking out for her tonight. Don't worry, Brad, I'll keep her safe.
Then another image. This one is Andy on the dance floor with her sisters. This isn't Madeline.
Panic hits me. This fucking creep is at the same club as her. How is he even in Palm Springs already? I guess it has been a couple of hours since I was out front of the restaurant with Madeline. He could have made the drive if he took the photo of us then drove straight to the club where Andy is—or maybe it's two people working together? The thought of that makes this even worse.
I grab my keys and jacket and take off for my car, madly trying to dial Andy's number as I walk. But nothing, no answer. I try her sister Jasmine and get the same result. They probably can't hear over the music. Fuck, I need to go and find her. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen while I wasn't around. That it would give him an opportunity to get to her.
Chapter Twenty-Two
I moveto the beat of the music as it pumps through the club. This isn't the trendiest club here, but it's where all the locals come. It has low light and is kinda dingy, with only the bar area lit up. But that's the appeal, I guess; dark places for getting up to no good. It's busy, mostly people in their early twenties, here to get wasted and either pick up or spend the night on the dance floor. That's my plan; my sisters and I love to dance, and tonight, I really need the escape.
I have consumed more than my fair share of drinks, and I'm feeling good. Really good, actually. A nice warm buzz flowing through me has me feeling more relaxed than I have in weeks. This is what I needed, some time with my sisters. Away from all the shit of LA. I have to admit, though, being a little tipsy makes me think of Brad and how much I miss him. I wonder what he's doing tonight.
Jasmine accepted the job at her meeting today and starts in two months, giving her time to move and get herself set up. I'm excited for her, if not a bit disappointed that she's leaving me and we won't be living together anymore. But this is the decision she needs to make for her life, and I get it. We had to grow up sometime and do our own thing. So the four of us sisters are out tonight celebrating. Amelia has left her kids with Mom and Dad for a movie night and Cassie has ditched the books to have some fun.
We're all glammed up, even me. I'm wearing a cute little dress for the occasion. It's one of Cassie's, because when I packed to come home, I wasn't expecting to be coming out. It's black, of course, but it's figure-hugging and I look sexy as hell. I have to admit, it actual feels nice to get dressed up all pretty.
I move to the rhythm of the music and try to clock out of reality, but the guilt from missing today's game keeps biting at me. This afternoon, not long after our game finished, I got a text from Brad saying we lost, and he said nothing else. I feel bad enough about missing the game, but I know what that message was. He was disappointed, and I feel the weight of my own actions. But I'm not fucking perfect. What does he want from me? This is where the coach and boyfriend line blurs—not that he has ever been officially my boyfriend, but it's where it gets messy.
Like the bitch I am, I didn't even respond to him. What am I going to say,Sorry? Weak, I know, but I didn't really know what to say. I'll sort it all out with him when I get back. There is actually a lot I need to talk to him about.
I feel a tap on the shoulder and spin round to see a face I haven't seen in years. Jamie Hall. Not since I slapped his pretty-boy face so hard I left a red mark. That was after finding him sleeping with that fucking slut from our school, Erica.
He smirks cheekily, clearly happy to see me. "Look at this, the soccer star Andrea Harper has decided to grace the Palms with her presence," he says, but it's in a friendly, smartass way. Not an arrogant way.
I look him up and down, taking him in. There's a nervous flutter inside. Not because I still feel anything for him, more I think because of how it all ended with us and I haven't seen him since to deal with how it would feel. "Just home to see my family, Jamie." I motion to my sisters. Not sure what else I'm supposed to say to him.
Seeing him again is weird. I thought I would still feel really angry and hurt because I have been carrying that all around with me for so long. But I think over time, he has lost the emotional hold he had on me. He has no power over my feelings anymore. He's just someone from my past who hurt me. I think what has happened with Brad over the last few months has really helped with that as well.
"You want to go somewhere to chat?" he asks, and I have to say I'm thrown off guard a little. What could we possibly have to chat about?
"Not really," I say back with ease. So much so that I even surprise myself. When I was younger, I was so obsessed with this guy, would have done anything for him. Guess I really have changed. He did that to me. He made me harden the fuck up and stop being a doormat.
He brushes his hand over my arm, and I glare at him for having the nerve to touch me. "Come on, Andy. I know it was a long time ago, but I feel like such a dick for how things ended between us. Can we just talk for a bit?" He's practically begging me, and I feel a little smug satisfaction at that.