Page 58 of The Coach

Everything she's saying makes sense. I knew she would be logical about it all and able to calm me down. But I still feel unsettled. I swirl my drink around one more time, then throw it back. "That's what she thinks, but what if he hurts her while I'm not around to protect her? I'd never forgive myself."

She offers me a knowing smile. "You're really smitten with her, aren't you?"

"Do you think I would be risking my career otherwise? I fell for her that first night I met her. This is just an impossible situation."

"What has this guy done so far? Just taken some photos from afar, sent some texts?"

Ava's trying to make it seem not so bad, but she doesn't know the half of it. I wouldn't be reacting like this if it were nothing. I start listing it off on my hand. "He followed her when she was walking home one night. He broke into her house and trashed her room, sent photos of us together in her bed. He even messed with her car. Oh, and I'm pretty sure he turned the lights out at the club when she was there one night alone."

"Okay, that is all pretty fucked up. But he's never approached her or physically threatened her. From what we can tell, he just wants you to stay away from her, so for now, maybe that's the best thing to do. Give her a little space and maybe make sure she has a friend with her when she's out of the house just to be careful."

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Hopefully she is and me staying away will stop him from contacting her while we play out the last few games of the season. Then his threats will no longer matter. "And this conversation…"

"It stays between us, Brad, I get it. I don't won't you losing your job either." She wraps her arms around me in an embrace. I trust her, I know she won't tell anyone. I wouldn't have called her otherwise. And it does feel good to finally be able to talk it all through with someone, it puts things into perspective.

"Thanks, Ava, you're a good friend."

Chapter Nineteen


As much asit's killed me, I've given Andy her space all week. I've only seen her every day at training, and my beautiful girl looks lost. She's not herself at all. She is missing her usual sparkle. I know how she feels because I'm the same. I hate being without her. I agree with what both she and Ava said last weekend, but this situation is starting to take a real toll on both of us.

And I know I shouldn't be feeling like this really, we hardly know each other, but this thing between us has taken me by surprise. I went into it just thinking it would be some fun. A bit of a distraction from all the shit I have been through in the last few years, but things changed so quickly between us, and I know this is more than just a physical attraction, an itch that I want scratched. She is under my skin in a way that feels very much like it could be something permanent.

I thought when I married Madeline that was it for me, the way I felt about her I could never feel for another, but with Andy, it's so much more intense. I can't even explain the way I feel about her, only that I know I want more of her. It's becoming an obsession, a need that only she can fulfill. Being with her is like the high I have when my team used to win a big game, but I feel like it all the time when we're together, and being away from her this week, just watching her from afar, is like torture to my soul. I feel empty, and there is nothing that can fill the void but her. And after a week of it, I can't stay away from her any longer.

So, I wait.

I have given her the space she asked for, but now she needs to listen to me. After watching her play our game tonight in North Carolina, I know I have to talk to her. We won but only just, with Darcy scoring both our goals. Andy didn't play the way she normally would and fouled a player, earning her a red card and the rest of the game on the sidelines, as well as next week off. I can see how much all of this is messing with her game, and we need to come up with a better solution to it all. So, I wait out in front of the changerooms until I know everyone else has left. She is always the last out, and tonight that works in my favor. As soon as she walks around the corner, I grab her arm, pulling her toward me in the darkness behind the building.

She squeals then realizes it's just me and relaxes. "Shit, Brad, you scared the life out of me." A hand goes to her pounding chest.

It was a stupid move on my behalf when I know she's already jumpy. "Sorry, not what I was trying to do. I just didn't want anyone to see I was talking to you." I pull her toward me, pinning her against the wall, so close I can feel the rapid pound of her heart, probably from the scare I just gave her. She blinks up at me. Her stare is intense, baby-blue eyes bringing me undone. My lips meet hers, showing her just how much I can't be without her. She needs to know what she means to me.

She pulls her lips back. "Brad, you know we can't. Especially not in public," she whispers, but her body is betraying her words. Her hands cling to my shirt, her tits pressed to my chest. Her eyes search mine, like she is desperate for me to persuade her she's wrong.

"We're in another city, no one knows us here. There is no way your stalker is here. We're safe, and I'm not waiting."

"Only the entire rest of our team and training staff, yeah, no one," she sasses, rolling her eyes at me with a little smile. But her eyes drop to my lips then slowly rise back up.

I take her pretty face in my hands, so she is focusing on me and only me. I wish I knew how to get through to her. I really don't give a flying fuck about anyone else. All I care about is this moment right now. "They're all gone to dinner already, it's just us." My lips move to her neck as I place kisses down to her shoulder, hoping I can convince her that she can't be without me either, the only way I know how. And to my surprise she lets me, with each kiss her body softening more. She feels this pull, this need to be with me, just as much as I feel it toward her. We're made for each other, that's why we can't stay away.

"I don't know how to be without you anymore," she whispers into the night.

And I thank the gods that she is right there with me. I sweep my gaze up to look at her. Her eyes are glassy, and I know she is torn because she's scared of the consequences us being together holds. But I'm right there with her. I know I can't be without her. "I know, baby, you won't have to be for much longer. One more game, then it's the semis. The season is nearly over, then I have a plan."

Her hands roam up under my shirt and she holds me close. "What plan, Brad? I'm so done with all of this. I feel like I'm falling apart. I don't even know who I am anymore. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder. I hate it."

"You let me worry about all of that." I kiss her. "Just trust me, I have it all sorted." My hands roam down her body to her ass, and I scoop her up, her long legs wrapping around my waist. Our lips are hungrily back on each other. My tongue taking control of her mouth. I'm so desperate for her I could take her here against the harsh wall of the building. I need to devour her, show her she's mine and that what we have developing here can't pause even for a few weeks because I won't let it.

"God, I want you so badly after this week," she murmurs, and I take pleasure knowing she feels the same.

"You're not the only one." I thrust my hips towards her so she can feel my need for her.

She pushes my chest, trying to create distance between us, but I won't let her. "We shouldn't be doing this. What if someone finds us?"

"Stop trying to be a good girl. We both know you're not the kind of girl who does what someone else tells you to, so stop letting this creepy guy get to you. And let me take care of your needs."