Page 51 of The Coach

My gaze snaps to him, and so does hers. Why did he just call me his girlfriend? That is not something we have talked about. But of course, he could just be saying it to piss her off, and I would totally get it if he was. Not the best idea, though, Brad, when no one is supposed to know about us.

Her face turns sour, and she looks at him with pity in her eyes. "She's a child. What is she, one of the girls you're coaching?" She laughs as if it's a joke, then she must see the look on his face. She widens her eyes at him. "She is, isn't she? Oh, Brad, I knew you had hit rock bottom, but this is really bad," she tuts, shaking her head.

How dare she talk to him like that. Who the fuck does this stupid bitch think she is? "He hasn't hit rock bottom, far from it. He's having the time of his life now. He got rid of your cheating ass," I snap at her with venom in my words and daggers in my eyes. If looks could kill, she would be pinned against the wall behind me with knives.

Brad gives me a look like he wants me to stop before I make it worse. But she needs to be put in her place. I hate stuck-up bitches like her—they think they can just say whatever the hell they want and get away with it because the world falls at their pretty feet.

"I'll ask again, Madeline, why are you here? You said you would let me know when you were coming so we can organize a time to sort out some things. My house at this time of the morning isn't going to work for me. I'm busy and I need to get to work."

"I can see that." She glares at me, and I feel about five years old. This woman is a total bitch.

"Wait here." Brad disappears into his office, leaving me alone with her. Oh, fuck, he knows I might try and fight her, right?

She closes the gap between us, and I stand a little taller, trying to show her I'm not intimidated by her. Just because she is super-model tall and towering over me. In fact, I could knock her flat on her perfect little ass if I wanted to, and I just might. "Shouldn't you be running around with someone your own age, not a married man who is way out of your league?" She glares at me.

"Shouldn't you be off with Brad's best friend? Clearly marriage vows don't mean fuck all to you. Don't try to claim him as your husband when you were the one who destroyed all of that," I throw back at her in just the same condescending tone she used on me.

She laughs sarcastically, and I know I have hit a major nerve. She is now aware of just how close me and Brad are and that he's confiding in me what she did to him. "Cute that you think you understand anything at all about marriage. You need to be very careful, sweetie. I have a lot more influence over Brad than you think. Whatever this is between the two of you, it's just a distraction for him. Don't go deluding yourself that there is something real going on."

What the fuck would she even know about what's going on between us? Nothing at all! She's just jealous because she thought she could show up here and he would be sucking up to her ass, desperate to have her back. But he's not. "You're the delusional one if you think there is any chance he would take you back." I turn to walk away from her. I've had enough of this shit, and if she says something else, I'm likely to fly through the air and attack her pretty face.

"Andrea," she calls.

I flick my head back to glare at her.

"I'm not stupid, I know whatever is going on here would be against club policy. One call to your general manager and I would get exactly what I wanted: Brad back with me. He would leave his job here in America and have to come crawling back, and it would be all your fault." She says it with a sickly sweet smile.

I storm toward her. "You know nothing." I poke her in the chest, and she takes a step back, looking like I hurt her. "You force him to leave the job he loves and you're the bad guy, not me." I stare angrily at her, so ready for a fight. I hate people like her, entitled stuck-up bitches who always get what they want. Not this time.

I feel Brad's arm wrap around me, pulling me back from her and closer to him. "Andy, don't let her worry you." His voice is cool and calm. I wonder how much of that conversation he just heard. I hope all of it, then he knows just how awful his ex really is. "Here, this is what you're here for, isn't it? Everything your lawyer asked for is in there. Just sign them. I want this over with." He shoves the papers toward her.

She looks down at them then back to Brad. She looks wounded. She does have a heart after all. "I… I'm not here for this. I just want to see if we can talk." Her voice is shaking, and realization must be dawning on her. She can't just snap her manicured fingers and get what she wants this time.

"I don't have anything left to say to you."

She glances at me, and I smile smugly at her. Her eyes flick back to Brad, and she looks like she might cry. "Well, maybe I have something to say to you, and if you hear me out, you might be more understanding."

This is getting mighty awkward, and I'm just standing here in the middle of them, and I don't need to hear any more of what she has to say. "I'm just going to pack my stuff. I have practice soon so I need to get out of here," I say, pulling from his grip, quickly exiting the room. I'm not sure if either of them even heard me; they're still having some sort of a silent staring match that I don't understand. I can't believe that's his wife. Even worse, she wants him back, that much is for sure. Over my dead body.

I throw my stuff in my overnight bag a little more aggressively than I probably should, then slump down on the edge of his bed to wait for him. I'm not going back out there, I don't want to see her again. And I don't want to leave the house while she's still here with him.

I hear the front door slam and I wait. Brad storms back in the room. He is livid. I have never seen him so angry before. Understandable, she would make anyone fuming mad.

"What did she say?" I ask quietly. It's not really any of my business but I still want to know.

"She won't sign the papers until I hear her out. She wants to have dinner this week." He huffs, walking into his wardrobe, slamming stuff around.

"Oh." I pause. That's the last thing I want him to have, dinner with his stunning ex that he is still technically married to. But he needs those papers signed so he can move on. He sits on the bed next to me. I run my hand up his leg and give it a squeeze. "I guess having dinner with her couldn't be all that bad if it means you get her to sign the divorce papers and you get to be rid of her, could it?" I ask, trying to be supportive but hating every word that comes out of my mouth. I shouldn't care this much about him having a meal with her. But I do.

He cups my face, turning me so I'm looking at him. "Thank you for being so understanding, Andy. But dinner with her is the last thing I want to do. She is a manipulative witch, and if she wants to have a meal with me, it's for a reason she is yet to reveal."

"You probably need to find that out, though, Brad. Just go and see what she wants. You don't have to give her anything, she is the one who fucked up here, not you. Just stick to your guns."

He places a small kiss on my lips. "Thank you. I'll see how I feel about it later. Right now, we need to get to training."

"Can I ask you one thing first?" I ask, unsure if I even should, but I need to know the answer.
