Page 30 of The Coach

My cock is rock hard at the sight of her naked and in my bathroom. She's a total knockout and looked sexy as sin in that costume, but the sight of her curvy body right now is doing things to me it shouldn't. I should have better control than this. That's why I went to leave the room while she showered, but the look she gave me… I couldn't leave her. She's still freaked out from tonight.

There's no way she didn't know I could see her, and she put on that little show just for me. Resisting the temptation of her is becoming more and more difficult.

I keep thinking back to the night we had together, how comfortable she was in her own skin. She let me fuck her on the balcony of my hotel without a care in the world, and it was the hottest night I have ever had. What would it be like to be with a woman like her all the time? Fuck, we could have some fun, push each other's boundaries.

The shower shuts off and I have no idea how long she was in there for. Her perfect shape appears again in the glass panel. She runs the towel over her body, slowly drying herself, then I watch as she slips into the shirt and shorts I gave her, and the door slowly opens.

I flick my eyesight back to the TV, pretending that's what I was doing all along.

She makes her way over to where I'm sitting on my bed, looking adorable in my oversized clothes. "Enjoying the show?" She tilts her head toward the telly. "I wouldn't have picked you for someone who watches old re-runs of Friends," she says with a brow raised.

I glance at what's on and she's right, it's Friends. I really hadn't paid it any attention when I turned it on, I was too busy watching her, but she already knows that. "Yeah, it's my guilty pleasure," I say, acting innocent.

She smirks at me, hands on her hips. Even after everything she has been through tonight, the snarky smartass is still there. "Why do I feel like that's not true and it was a different show you were watching?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Andy." I slide off the bed, giving her nothing to go off of, because if I do, I won't stop at just telling her how fucking hot the show she put on for me was. I'll drag her back to my bed and do what I want with her. "Come on, I'll get you set up in my guest room. It's just down the hall."

She follows me to the room I have made up with a queen bed. She looks around at her surroundings, and I can see how uncomfortable she is. She's probably still freaked out; I know I would be. I roll back the covers for her, wanting to do so much more but keeping myself in check. I'm a fucking grown male, I can control my urges toward her no matter how cute and vulnerable she looks right now.

"Thank you. I guess I will see you in the morning," she says sweetly as she sits on the side of the bed, her hand stroking over the soft coverings.

"Night, Andy, hope you sleep well. You know where I am if you need me."Or if you want me like I want you.

"I do," she says quietly, climbing into bed. She looks like she's in a daze; I guess she would be really tired.

I flick out the light and reluctantly make my way back to my empty bed. It feels so wrong to be going in the opposite direction to where I want to be. I should be in bed with her, pulling her into me, showing her exactly how I feel about her. Instead, I have to go back to my empty bed and pretend like it's what I want. Keep my distance because I have to.

I flick off the TV and pull up the covers, closing my eyes and trying to get comfortable, even though I know I'm not going to be able to.

And I was right. I toss and turn for what feels like hours. How am I supposed to sleep knowing someone is trying to mess with her? I keep seeing the sight of her upturned room and what that guy wrote in the text messages. It's all so disturbing. Right now, she is in my house, and I know I can protect her here, but what happens tomorrow? Or any other day, for that matter, when I'm not with her?

I hear the sound of footsteps and I flick on the bedside light to see Andy standing in my doorway. It's obvious she's been crying, and my instincts take over.

"I can't sleep alone. I keep seeing my bedroom."

I gesture for her to come into my bed, pulling back the covers on the side closest to her, and she does. I hug her into my chest and stroke her silky hair. "It's okay, stay here with me. I can't sleep either."

"Your friend that was stalked… did they ever catch the person doing it?" she asks me. I know she's looking for reassurance, but that's not what I can give her if she wants the truth.

"No, they didn't. He moved addresses a few times and constantly had to change his phone number, but he never really got to the bottom of what was going on. One day it all just stopped."

"That's odd."

"Yeah, but he was just so happy he didn't have to deal with it anymore, he didn't ask any questions, just moved on with his life."

"Do you think that's what this is? Someone is stalking me?"

I don't want to lie to her, she needs to know how serious this could actually be. "I don't want to scare you, but it looks like it could be."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I don't normally let anything affect me, but this has me scared. Your home is meant to be your safe place. How am I supposed to go back there and ever really feel safe again?"

I pull her in tighter to me. "It's understandable, anyone would feel the same in this situation. Try and get some sleep. We'll work it all out in the morning, okay? I'm here to protect you tonight, so you don't have to worry about anything." She rolls over so I'm spooning her from behind, and I stroke her hair and hug her into my chest.

Having her this close in my bed is sweet torture, but I have already blurred lines I shouldn't have tonight. And this is just to make her feel safe, I tell myself, as I try and drift off to sleep.

Chapter Ten
