Page 80 of The Coach

"So, as I was saying, she did this once before, when she was sixteen. I'm a couple of years older than her, and it was right before I was about to leave for college. Darcy and I don't come from a wealthy family. Our mom was an addict, and our dad took off and left her when Darcy was only a baby, so we grew up poor. When we were young, we got by helping each other. I was smart, and Darcy, she had the personality. She could manipulate anyone to give her just about anything. She was also fantastic at sports, but you guys know that already. Anyway, we grew up with very little, and at eighteen, I got offered a scholarship to Stanford. It was too good not to take up the offer. It promised to change my life, and it has.

"But Darcy didn't cope well when I told her. She felt like I was abandoning her, leaving the responsibility of our mom on her shoulders. So the night after I told her, she tried to cut her wrists with a razor blade. Luckily, I walked in on her while she was doing it, so I could stop her before she had gone too far. I took her to the ER and we played it off like an accident, one where she had slipped and fallen on a broken window. I don't know if they really believed our story, but that's what it was recorded as. It's also why I feel so terrible now.

"I'm so sorry. I knew she wasn't right mentally, but after that, she assured me it had scared her and she would never do anything like it again. I believed her."

"You were just a kid yourself," Andy says. "How could you know what she would do now? Dylan, what I don't understand is why I have never heard of you before? I've known Darcy since college, and she never mentioned you or her mom. I obviously knew she had some family, but it must have been a sore point, because she never brought you up."

"Yeah, she wouldn't have. After I went to college, I tried to keep in contact with her. I would send her money and try and call her, but she blocked me out. She felt abandoned, so she shut down from me and wouldn't let me back in."

"I'm so sorry, that must have been awful for you."

"It was, but I'm here now, and she's talking to me, so it's a start. When they release her, she'll come home to San Francisco with me. I'm doing alright for myself now and have the means to help take care of her."

Andy looks at me, lost as for what to do. I know it must be breaking Andy's heart to hear that Darcy will have to move away, but it's for the best. For all of us. Andy needs a fresh start without Darcy around, and Darcy is going to need time to heal and move on with her own life.

And I know I will feel safer knowing she's a few hours away.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


My sleep is restless again.I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable, but it's just not happening. I fall asleep for half an hour then I'm awake again. I try and at least keep my eyes closed so I'm getting some rest, but when I wake for the millionth time of the night, something tells me to open them this time.

When I do, the cold fingers of someone's hand press into my skin, covering my mouth so I can't scream. My eyes go wide as I try to focus in the dark, and when I do, I see Darcy sitting at the side of my bed, dressed in her white hospital gown. Her hair is wild and out, curling around her face, and her expression is blank.

And she's holding a knife in a silent threat.

I want to scream to tell Brad who is in the bed next to me, but I don't make a peep, I'm too worried about what she intends to do with that knife. I have no idea what she's capable of anymore.

She leans into my ear and the touch of her hair on my skin sends goosebumps down my arms. "Don't make a sound. I need you to come with me," is all she whispers.

I slip from the bed, and I curse Brad for being such a deep sleeper; he doesn't move a muscle. My only hope is that Nala might wake up when she hears movement. But then I remember she was sleeping in with Luna tonight because she needed the company.

Darcy drags me along with her into her room. Once inside, she drops her hand from my mouth and flicks the lock on the door. She rests her back so she's leaning against the door. And a slow smile creeps over her lips.

"We need to pack a bag. We're going on a trip," she says calmly.

The panic inside me increases. I'm not leaving this house with her. "To where?" I squeak.

She tilts her head to the side, assessing me. "Somewhere nice. I feel like a holiday, don't you, Andy? Maybe the beach?" She lowers the knife to her side.

Do they have her drugged up on something? She is acting so bizarre, loopy even. So not like her. Or maybe this is her and I just haven't seen this side of her before. "Darcy, we can't go anywhere. Your brother will worry about you."

She laughs and it's dark and tortured. She grabs my face. "My brother dearest couldn't give a flying fuck about me. He didn't when I was a kid, and he won't now. You're all I have left, Andy."

"I talked to him yesterday. He cares about you a lot. He wants to help you. And what about Luna and Jasmine and the other girls on the team? There are a lot of people who care about you." I mutter the words, hoping they'll help.

"You're the only one I care about." She drops my face. "Now we need to pack. Sit down, and just do what I say, it won't take me long." I plop down on the bed like I'm told, and she turns to her wardrobe, pulling out a bag and throwing items of clothing in.

My eyes flicker to the bedside table. I know what's in there, Luna showed me yesterday. I could make a grab for a knife. I'm not sure what I would do once I got it, but I also don't want to wait around here to see how this fucked-up scenario plays out.

I wait until she is looking away and I pull open the drawer, grabbing the first weapon I find. My hands shake as I hold it in her direction. Her eyes go wide when she turns around and works out what I have. "I'm not coming on this trip with you, Darcy. I'm walking out of here now, and you're going to let me." I say it as calmly as I can, but on the inside, I'm shitting myself. What if she doesn't care? She did try to take her own life this week; maybe threatening her with a knife is a stupid thing to do. But I don't have a lot of options. She seems to be stunned enough that it gives me time to move quickly across the room, flick the lock and open her door, running swiftly out.

I don't know why but I sprint for the back door. I should run back to my room, wake up Brad, but I don't want him caught up in this mess. She has a knife and I'm scared she will threaten him or one of the other girls with it. If I at least get outside and run, then hopefully she will come after me and I can hide somewhere and call for help.

But the blood-curdling scream of rage I hear echoing through the house stops me dead in my tracks. Then Nala's barking starts. Part of me wants to stay and try and help Darcy, the others will be awake and find her soon, but I don't know how anymore. Nope, I have to get out of here. Get help for the rest of us. I'm too scared Darcy has flipped a switch in her brain and she's someone none of us even understand anymore.

I go for the door handle, flicking the dead bolt and turning the knob. I dart out the back of the house into the dark of the night. Past the pool and down the back of the yard. I can hear her not far behind me, but I don't want to stop. I can't handle this anymore. I'm close to another panic attack, I can tell by how tight my chest is feeling.