Page 74 of The Coach

I park my car in the hospital lot and take off in the direction of the emergency room. When I run through the doors, I see Luna and Jasmine have already made it here. They're huddled together on the plastic waiting chairs, Jasmine's arm wrapped around her friend. They're understandably distraught. A soon as Jasmine notices me coming toward them, she runs to me.

"Brad, do you know anything else? Andy called, she said there was an accident and we had to get down here right away. She was crying hysterically, and I couldn't really understand what she was saying. What's happened?"

"Let's take a seat, I'll tell you what I know." I follow her back to where Luna is sitting, and she glances up at me. Her knees are up to her chest, with her arms wrapped protectively around them, her eyes wet with tears. Jasmine sits next to her, and I take a seat across from them. How do you tell someone their best friend just tried to take her own life? "Girls, Darcy's not doing so well. The accident that happened… she tried to take her own life tonight."

Jasmine's hand goes straight to her mouth in absolute shock.

Luna starts to cry harder, covering her eyes.

They're both already devastated, understandably, and I'm not sure if I should tell them what Andy told me about their fight or not.

"Is she going to be alright, Brad?" asks Jasmine, tears falling from her eyes.

"I hope so. They couldn't tell us a lot. She has lost quite a bit of blood and her body went into shock. Andy's with her. I'm sure she will let us know whenever she knows more."

Luna uncovers her teary face. "I don't understand. Why would she do this?"

"I don't know the full story, but she confronted Andy tonight. She was really angry with her. Darcy told her she's in love with her."

Jasmine looks at me, confused. "She's what?"

"Apparently, she's in love with her. I don't really know the entire story, but Andy said they shared a night together a while an ago and it all stems from that. I really don't know anything else."

The girls both look at each other and a silent message is shared. And I take it by their expression they must have known about this night. "I thought... I thought that was just them playing around. Neither of them are the fall-in-love type of people." Luna looks at me. "Well, Andy wasn't until she found you, anyway."

So she has told them how she feels about me. Maybe that's why Darcy did this tonight. She knew there was no way to blackmail her friend anymore. Now I'm not their coach, and Andy admitted how she felt about me to them, really solidifying the situation. Darcy would have known it was too late.

"I should have seen this coming," Luna sobs. "I'm her closest friend and I had no idea she would do anything like this. How could I not know?"

"People don't show you what they don't want you to see, Luna. You couldn't have known this would happen, none of us could."

Luna sits up straighter in her chair, her face turning white.

"What is it?"

"This is why she wanted Andy to believe you were her stalker, isn't it? Because it was her all along."

"It might have been," I say.

"Oh my God, Luna is right," gasps Jasmine. "This all makes sense. It was her."

A text pings on my phone and I pull it out of my pocket to check it.

Andy:They're giving her a blood transfusion. She is stabilizing but still out of it.

Brad:Okay, thanks for the update. I'm in the ER waiting room with Luna and Jasmine.

"Andy says she's stable, and they're giving her a blood transfusion."

"Oh shit, she lost so much blood," Luna says.

"She did," I say, remembering the sight of her in the parking lot.

"She really could have died. What will happen to her now?"

Jasmine takes Luna's hand, trying to comfort her. "Once she is awake and stable, they will have a psychiatric nurse visit her and she will be put on psychiatric watch for at least forty-eight hours. She will be in the hospital for a while; they have to make sure she's up to it physically and mentally before she will be able to leave. I worked in a hospital for a bit when I was doing my training. It's standard practice, but it will depend on how she handles her recovery."

After half an hour, I go in search of something to eat. We have all missed dinner, and the truth is, I'm finding it hard to sit still. My mind is racing with what-ifs. What if Darcy had been so mad she turned the knife on Andy instead of herself? What if I had gotten there earlier tonight? I might have been able to stop the whole thing from even happening, or I could have been the target of Darcy's anger. What if we had worked it all out sooner? We could have avoided this whole mess and got Darcy the help she needed, but none of us saw this coming. We had no idea at all.