Page 73 of The Coach

I reach for my phone. This is way beyond what I know how to deal with. I need to talk to Luna or Jasmine. Or someone else who can help me get through to her. She's acting all crazy.

"What are you doing? Can't handle a good dose of reality, Andy, so you going to call your sister to therapize me? Like she does you."

"I just thought… You know what? Fuck you, Darcy. You can't just come in here all pissy with me over this. I didn't know what you were thinking, and that's on you. At any time, you could have come and talked to me about this, and you didn't. This isn't my fault. I'm outta here. See you at home when you've cooled down and we can talk properly." I spin and walk for the door.

"Don't walk out that door, Andy. I need to talk to you now," she calls, her voice desperate.

"Not when you're like this," I say over my shoulder.

"You're going to regret it," she mumbles, but I keep walking. I can't hear any more of this tonight.

I can't believe her. First, she scared the living shit out of me standing there all creepy when the lights came back on, then she tells me she's in love with me. As if I don't have enough shit to worry about at the moment. I mean, I love the girl as a friend, and I care about her, but this is too much. I wonder if Luna knew anything about this. They have been super close lately.

I'm nearly at the parking lot when I hear her behind me. I turn around slowly to see her holding a knife. Panic takes over. She's lost it and is going to kill me because I won't be with her. Reality hits me—it all must have been her all along. And I feel stupid for not seeing it.

But then she stumbles forward, and I see the blood dripping from her arms. I scream and run to her.Fuck, she's cut her wrists!Blood drips from them like water out of a leaking tap. "I wouldn't have had to do this if you had just broken it off with him," she says, her words slurring.

She's scaring the shit out of me, but she's still my friend. I need to help her. She drops the knife to the ground and falls to her knees. What do I do? There is so much blood. I feel sick to my stomach. I get down and cradle her in my arms.

"Jesus, Darcy, you didn't have to do this," I cry. I search around in my bag, frantically trying to find something that might help. I pull out a shirt, ripping it into strips I can use as bandages. I have no idea what to do here, but something is telling me I need to wrap her arms to stop the bleeding. My shaky hands wrap the strands around and tie them. One arm at a time. Then I dial 9-1-1. I don't know if I have time to get her to the hospital or not, and I need help. I'm freaking the fuck out.

I explain our location and what has happened, and the lady on the other end of the phone tells me what I need to do while I wait for help to arrive. The whole time I keep hold of Darcy. Trying to talk to her and tell her she'll be fine and I'm sorry. She has her eyes closed and keeps murmuring something, but I'm not sure what it is. I have never been so scared in my life. My friend could die tonight, and it will all be my fault. Why didn't I just stay and talk to her for a bit longer? In the parking lot, I notice some headlights and remember Brad is here waiting for me. "Brad!" I scream out, hoping he'll hear me from where we're sitting on the ground.

I hear a car door open then he comes running down the hill toward us. "Andy, what's happened?" He leans down next to me.

"We had a fight, she cut herself," is all I can tell him before the sirens of the ambulance scream up the road, and before I know it, there are people everywhere. Brad pulls me out of the way as they take over. A gurney is wheeled out of the vehicle, and they lift her onto it. I stand back and watch in disbelief as an IV is inserted into her arm and they call instructions to each other.

His worried eyes find mine. "What happened, Andy?"

I shake my head, trying to process what just happened. "She was furious with me. I came out of the shower and the lights flicked off like last time. But when they came back on, Darcy was standing there. She looked weird, kind of out of it. I tried to talk to her, but she was so angry with me."

"What was she angry about?" He looks confused, and I try to find the words to explain what happened.

"She said she's in love with me," I whisper, still finding it hard to process myself.

He blinks back at me. I've shocked him. I was surprised myself. "Like..."

I cut him off, needing to explain. "Like we slept together this one time, and ever since she has apparently been in love with me, and I had no idea."

He gives me a weird look, and I can tell he is trying to wrap his head around what I just admitted. "You slept with Darcy?"

"Ahh, yeah, it was before you. The weekend before. She only told me tonight, but she has been hung up on me ever since."

"We're leaving now. Are you coming with us or driving in?" asks the paramedic, approaching us.

I look at Brad and he gives me a nod. "I'll go with her," I call.

"I'll follow you there." Brad kisses me quickly, and I take off for the ambulance. What he must be thinking… I just dropped a lot on him. Not things I was trying to hide from him or anything, but just things we never talked about, I didn't really even consider important to bring up until now. But I guess I was wrong.


I follow them in the hospital's direction. I'm not sure how to process what Andy just told me. I knew she and Darcy were really close friends, but I had no idea she was even into girls like that. It's not a conversation we have had, and now, to hear Darcy is in love with her. I'm thrown completely. Actually, it explains a lot, like why she was trying to warn Andy off me.

It all clicks into place.

Andy said that she and Darcy were together right before she met me, and all of the stalker things started when she met me… The kind of girl who pulls a stunt like slitting her wrist in front of her best friend could be the very same person who has been watching her and sending threats all this time. I don't want to believe it, because I know how much Andy cares about her, but it makes so much sense now with this new information. She had access to the house, to Andy's car, to the soccer changerooms. She would have had both our phone numbers, and I did find it strange how she would just turn up in the places I was. Now I know why.

I think Andy's stalker is Darcy. It has to be.