Page 39 of The Coach

"They would be a pretty good deterrent, though, and give you time to get away if the alarm is going nuts. I don't like that you feel unsafe, though. I wish there was something I could do to help."

"Thanks, I think it's just going to take a bit of time to get over it." She collects both our plates from the table and walks through to the kitchen, placing them in the sink. "Did you want a hand with the dishes?" she offers, but I can see just how tired she is, and as much as I'm not ready for her to leave, I can see she needs to.

"No, I've got them. I just want you to go home and get a good night's sleep. I can't have my best striker too tired to score." I pull her into my arms, holding her close. I kiss her lips, wishing even more I could just take her to my bed for the night. I know I could help her fall asleep easily. She would feel safe here with me. But that's not how this is going to work. I need to let her go home to her own bed. I'll have to come up with another way I can help her to feel safe.

"Message me when you get home. I need to know you get there safely."

"Thank you for looking out for me, I appreciate it."


I arrive at practice even more exhausted than I was yesterday after another completely sleepless night, tossing and turning, unable to settle my mind enough so I could drift off to sleep. Between how uncomfortable I now feel in my room and the desire to be with Brad, knowing how good the rest of the night would have been if I stayed with him, I just laid there thinking.

We all gather in the main room of the training shed, and I try to listen intently to what Ava is saying about our corner plays, but it's all going over my head today. I can barely keep my eyes open. Hopefully, once I start running around with our warm-up, I'll perk up a bit. I cover my mouth to stifle yet another yawn. I wish she would stop talking so I can just go train.

Finally, after what feels like forever, the meeting is over. I go to make my way out the door when the sexy Australian accent calls my name. I turn back to him as the rest of the room empties out, the other girls eager to get on the field. My tummy twists. I want so badly to see him again, but I need to play it cool here around everyone else. I had kind of hoped he would ignore me to make it easier on the both of us.

He makes his way over to me. "Andy, are you okay?" he asks, looking concerned.

I shake my head. "I'm so tired. I just can't sleep. I've never had problems sleeping before, I don't even know what to do."

"Have you talked to Jasmine about it? I'm sure she has some ideas for you."

"She thinks I'm anxious. She gave me some exercises to do before I go to bed, but they don't work. My mind won't stop. I just feel too creeped out."

"Maybe you could talk to Beth, our psychologist, she might be able to help?"

I give him a wide-eyed worried look. That is the last thing I want to do. "I'll be okay. I'm sure in a few days I will be back to normal."

"Alright, just do your best out there today. Hopefully tonight will be better." He looks at me like he wants to say something more, and maybe he does, but he can't, not here. So he heads out to where the others are running around, and I follow him, hoping he's right. Tonight has to be better.

I'm backat home in my bed watching Netflix, trying to keep my eyes open so I can hopefully sleep when the time comes tonight. Today was my worst practice I think ever. I was hopeless, with two left feet. I'm hoping tonight I'm just so exhausted I sleep no matter how crazy my head is going over all of this.

We heard back from the police today, and they have nothing from the fingerprints in my room, and the phone he was texting me on they traced to a garbage can on the street I was walking on. So it was all a dead end, and they said there's really nothing they can do for now unless he actually hurts me or they can find evidence to pin against him. So that's just great. They will basically wait until I'm dead to do anything more. I'm being dramatic, but it feels so stupid that I have to just sit here and take it. There's nothing more that can be done. It could literally be anyone who did it, and I hate it.

There's a knock at the front door, and I hop out of bed to go and check who it is. I can see in the security screen it's a guy holding something. He looks harmless enough. I answer the door to see a young guy holding an adorable little black bull terrier puppy.

"Hi, can I help you?" I ask, thinking this guy must have the wrong house or something.

"Are you Andrea Harper?" he asks, looking unsure.

I nod. "Yes, that's me."

"Oh, good. This is for you." He passes me the cute little dog and takes a step back. "A belated birthday present. There's everything you will need to take care of her in here." He points to the box, and I look down at it then back at him. What is he talking about? Is this for me, a present? I look at the little puppy, and her big eyes melt me instantly, she's so cute.

"Really, who's it from?" I ask before he leaves.

"The dude said he will text you with the details, just paid me to deliver the pup. Have a nice day, ma'am. She is a cutie."

"Thanks," I say, waving him off and looking at the pup in my arms. This is interesting.

I close the front door and wander back to my room, not quite sure what to do with her. When I hear my phone ping, I'm not surprised to see the name when it comes up.

Brad:I sent her to protect you and keep you company when I can't x

She's from Brad. Of course she is. He's so thoughtful. He can't be here when he wants to be, so he sent a little friend for me. This is the sweetest thing someone has ever done for me. I place her on my bed, and I sit next to her. She rolls on her back, and I rub her tummy and giggle at her.

Me:OMG thank you so much! She is adorable, I just love her!