Page 29 of The Coach

The drive is fast;too quick, really. He lives just around the corner from me, and it hasn't given me enough time to prepare myself for all of this. I feel like I'm on the edge of losing it completely, but I'm trying my best to hold it together.

He pulls into his driveway, and we both sit in silence. Then he turns to me, resting a hand on my leg, and I jump at the sudden touch.

"Are you okay?" he asks softly.

"No." I burst into tears. "I'm not." I was trying to hold it together, not wanting to lose it in front of him, but I'm tired and can't hold back the tears anymore. Especially when he's being so nice to me.

He jumps out of the car and comes around to my side, pulling me into him as I ugly cry into his chest, too exhausted to care what I look like anymore.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll work this out, get the police onto it. It's all going to be fine." He runs his hands up my arms, trying to soothe me. "Come on, you're covered in goosebumps. Let's get you inside."

"I'm so sorry. I'm just being silly because I'm overtired. I never cry normally," I say, trying to redeem myself. I hate whiney girls. I'm not a crier, and I'm embarrassed that I just did that in front of Brad.

I pull back from him enough so he can close the car door and lead me inside. His arm snakes around me and he pulls me close into him as he leads me down a hall, passing various rooms I'm too exhausted to notice much detail of. I need a shower and sleep. That's if I even can sleep after everything tonight.

The closeness between us is so comforting and just what I need when I feel so vulnerable. I'm still in total disbelief that someone broke into my home, my bedroom. Who knows what else they did while they were in there. The thought makes me feel nauseous all over again.

"Why don't you have a shower, warm yourself up a bit. I can give you something to change into if you like? You're a fine sight dressed as Wonder Woman, but that doesn't look too comfortable to sleep in." He smiles kindly.

I had completely forgotten about what I was wearing. I take his hand in mine and look up into his beautiful brown eyes. "Thank you so much, Brad. I'm sorry about tonight."

"Andy, it's fine, I'm happy to be here for you." He gives my hand a squeeze then breaks the eye contact, heading toward the back of the house, and I follow him like a lost little puppy. I don't want to admit it, but for the first time in my life, I'm scared to be left alone, even if it's just for a second.

We enter the spacious bedroom. It's pretty obvious from the decor that it's his room. It's very masculine, with dark gray walls and navy-blue bedding. Other than that, it's devoid of any real personality at all. I guess he hasn't lived here that long, so that's probably why. He enters a large walk-in closet with a frosted-glass door and returns with a pale blue T-shirt and a pair of cotton plaid boxer shorts. "I know these are going to be too big but it's the best I can do."

I take the clothes from him. "Seriously, it's fine. Right now, I really don't care what I sleep in." The fabric feels soft and smells like him. I'm tempted to bring it up to my nose and inhale deeply but that would just be embarrassing.

He slides open another frosted-glass door, and this one reveals a large en-suite, with double shower and freestanding tub. "Bathroom is through here if you want to take a shower, maybe warm up. You look cold."

"Thank you." I want to ask him to join me, partly because I would love the distraction of seeing his gorgeous body again. I'm sure he would look super-hot with water running over those toned muscles of his. The other part of me just doesn't want to be alone. But I won't overstep that boundary. He's just trying to help me tonight; it would be selfish of me.

He gives me a look like he wants to say something, then heads toward the bedroom door as if to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" I say, panic in my voice.

"I'll give you some privacy and wait in the living room while you shower," he offers.

"You don't have to. I feel so bad I got you out of bed in the middle of the night. You can just hop back into bed. I won't be long," I say, quickly trying to assure him I'm fine with him in the room.

"Okay, I'll just watch telly for a bit."

He's still unsure of what to do here, and so am I. I'm insanely attracted to him, and the adrenaline of all the events from today is wearing off, and all I want is for him to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay.

I offer him a small smile, pleased that he's staying close by. I slide the door to the bathroom closed. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to heat up, as I get to work removing my costume. First the gold belt, then the bodysuit.

As I step out of it, a thought crosses my mind. I'm right in front of the glass door, and I wonder if Brad can see me. I wonder if he even cares that I'm in his bathroom, just a wall separating him from my naked body. He might be preoccupied watching the TV, a good coach would be, doing his best not to even think of what is taking place in his bathroom right now, but I hope he's not. I hope he's watching my every move, seeing my naked silhouette and remembering what it felt like to touch me.

Just in case he is, I run my hands up my body slowly, from my butt to my breasts, then up to my hair that I flick over my shoulder before I tie it in a loose messy bun on top of my head, before stepping into the shower. If he did watch me, I'm a total tease, and I don't even care. This situation is hard.

I have never not been able to get something I want, and right now, I want the swoony Brad Swift so badly it hurts.


I prop myself up in bed, flicking on the TV. My line of sight drifts to the bathroom where Andy is, the light from the room illuminating the frosted glass against the contrast of the darkened bedroom—meaning I can see her silhouette.

I should look away, respect her privacy like I said I would, but I can't. I don't want to. The attraction between us is driving me nuts, and I know I can no longer act on it, but man, I want to. The events of tonight have just amplified my feelings toward her. I want to protect her. Not only that, but I want to take away her fear, tell her I can take care of her, but I can't even do that, really. She shouldn't even be here tonight, but there was no way I was letting her stay at her place, and it's too late to call around and work out where else she could stay. This was the best option.

I watch as she takes off her belt, then shimmies out of her costume. She looks back over her shoulder, and I wonder if she knows I'm watching her, but I don't look away. She slides her hands up her body from her ass to her tits then plays with her hair, styling it on top of her head.