Page 29 of Nothing To Lose

BrewBiz…true biz.

It made sense.

Peyton licked his lips, then curled his hand into a fist. ‘Sorry. I learned ASL in college, but it’s been a long time.’ He was a thousand percent sure his grammar was shit, but the man just smiled at him and waved him off.

‘You’re fine. What do you want?’

When Peyton hesitated, the man grabbed a printed menu from the side of the register and Peyton glanced down to find the names of all the drinks and the corresponding signs in surprisingly well drawn ASL instructions.

He grinned and looked up at the man again, finally settling on his name, which was also embroidered on the apron.Caleb.

He pointed at the man’s name. ‘What’s your name sign?’

Caleb’s smile widened even further, and he lifted his hand to show Peyton, who quickly copied it, then got a thumb’s up in response.

‘P E Y T O N,’ he spelled for himself. ‘I’d like a…’ he glanced down at the paper to make sure he was going to get it right. ‘Vanilla latte, double shot.’

Caleb winked at him then very slowly signed the total. Peyton mouthed along with the numbers, then tapped his card on the machine before taking a step back.

‘Three minutes,’ Caleb told him.

Peyton lifted flat hands, palms forward. ‘Great, thanks.’ When Caleb turned away again, Peyton wandered over to the bakery display to find three very empty racks. What was there looked like it was well baked and delicious, but apart from some cookies and a row of muffins, there wasn’t anything else.

His brow furrowed and he told himself not to even go there because he didn’t have time to add in baking for a café to his current to-do list, but something was telling him he should.

When Caleb turned back around with the coffee and walked over to meet Peyton, he knew his resolve had snapped.

‘Do you bake here?’

Caleb frowned, then glanced down and rolled his eyes before lifting his fist. ‘Yes. Not a lot though. Obviously.’ He spelled the last word which Peyton appreciated, and it made him laugh.

‘They look good.’

‘They are good,’ Caleb answered, mouthing the word ‘are’ for emphasis. ‘But our baker…it’s…’ he signed another word that Peyton was pretty sure meant complicated.

Digging into his pocket, Peyton pulled out his wallet again and snatched one of the few business cards he kept. It had his old brick and mortar address on it, so he lifted his hand and asked, ‘Pen?’

Caleb quickly dug into his apron pocket and produced a black sharpie which was perfect. Peyton snatched it up and circled his Instagram handle, then wrote his number on the back before scratching off the former address.

He handed the pen back, then set the card on the counter. ‘I bake. I have a bakery online.’

Caleb’s brows shot up. ‘Bakery?’

Peyton nodded. ‘It’s just me alone, but maybe we can talk later and discuss what you need? Maybe I can help? Wholesale,’ he spelled, because that was definitely not a word he’d ever learned before.

Caleb’s entire face brightened. ‘You sure?’

‘Yes,’ Peyton insisted. ‘I can’t do anything complicated, but I can do cookies, muffins, scones. I can make a sample of things and deliver it this week so you can taste.’

Caleb held up a finger again, and before Peyton could do anything, the gangly man leapt over the short counter door, then grabbed Peyton in a hug. Peyton let out a grunt at the impact, then he started laughing as the man’s joy began to infect him.

‘Sorry,’ Caleb signed quickly as he stepped back. ‘Sorry. Even for Deaf, I’m too…’ Peyton was pretty sure the word he missed was touchy.

He waved the barista off. ‘I don’t mind.’ And really, he didn’t. It had been so long since someone other than his brother or Taylor hugged him, and it felt kind and warm. ‘Your boss will be okay with this?’

Caleb’s grin turned into a smirk. ‘I’m the owner.’

“Oh shit,” Peyton said, then quickly lifted his hand. ‘Sorry.’