Page 64 of Nothing To Lose

“Except you don’t, and that was always the problem. You never looked deeper than what was on the surface, and when you realized there was more to me, you gave up. Why the hell do you think I’d be remotely interested in even considering what you have to say?”

“Because you let me in the door,” Austin said—all smug and confident, and shit, he was right. Hudson had let him in.

Hudson just laughed again. “I thought maybe you’d grown a scrap of conscience and came here with an actual apology for me and Peyton. Not some bullshit about making a mistake because you don’t want me to move on and be happy.”

“Please don’t—”

“No. That’s enough. I mean, this is on me for ever thinking you’d be anything other than a raging narcissist. God, it’s no wonder you always wanted me to make amends with my mother. Fuck, you two are the same person in different bodies.”

“Kinky.” Peyton could swear he heard the smirk on Austin’s face.

“Proving my point again,” Hudson said, sounding exhausted. “You need to leave. You need to move on. Don’t contact me anymore. Don’t show up here. Don’t look me up online. Figure out another way to get on with your life that doesn’t involve me or my husband.”

“You’re not married yet,” Austin spat savagely.

Hudson snorted. “Yes, I am. It doesn’t matter that we haven’t said the words or signed the damn paper. He was mine and I was his the moment we met.”

“Yeah, and I’m sure that’s going to last. Just wait until he gets tired of your shit.”

Peyton wanted to burst into the room and punch the fucker in the face, but he knew better. He sat and waited for Hudson to speak again.

“And that’s why I’ll always pity you, Austin. Because you’ll never understand how lucky I am to have found someone like Peyton. Now, get the fuck out of my house before I make you.”

“Is that a threat?”

“No. It’s a promise.”

Peyton closed his eyes, letting his head thud back against the wall before realizing Hudson probably heard him. He turned and raced back into the bedroom, and a few minutes later, Hudson was there in the door, leaning on his walker.

“Heard that, did you?”

Peyton shuddered but he didn’t protest when Hudson carefully and slowly made his way to the bed, then let himself under the covers. He dragged Peyton close to him, pressing lips to the back of his neck as he held him as tight as Peyton could stand.

“I know that was hard for you. Tell me what you need.”

“Our wedding to be here,” Peyton said with a soft sigh. “And maybe a big ass tray of dessert fondu with, like, brownies, and fudge, and marshmallow fluff that you can lick off my dick. Also maybe Austin to find his way off a cliff. You know. By accident.”

Nine days later, Peyton had gotten two of those three things, and his throat was all hot. He was already emotional from standing in front of their friends and family and speaking vows—and not just that, but listening to the heartfelt, impossibly tender words Hudson had written himself.

He sniffed and glanced away, making Hudson laugh.

“Come over here, damn it. I couldn’t throw Austin off a cliff and make it look like an accident, but I could do the damn fondu.”

Peyton shuffled over and sat a space away, but Hudson wasn’t having it. He grabbed Peyton by the wrist and tugged and rearranged until his back was to the headboard and Peyton was straddling him. They kissed, long and slow, and when Peyton pulled back, a brownie dipped in marshmallow fluff was waiting for him.

He took a bite of half, then Hudson ate the other.

“These are mine,” Peyton said, his eyes wide.

Hudson laughed. “Technically they’re mine. Hudson’s Heaven. I had Rain order some in secret.”

Peyton lost track of how many Hudson’s Heaven orders he’d shipped over the last week, but it didn’t matter. His heart was full to bursting…and hell, so was his dick. He rocked forward against Hudson, who glanced down, then grinned.

“Feeding and fucking. Isn’t that a fetish?” Hudson asked as one hand began to slowly unzip Peyton’s tuxedo trousers.

Peyton gasped as warm fingers circled him and began a careful stroke upward. “I…think so. It’s only sexy with you, though.”

Hudson grinned, the look a little feral as he reached behind Peyton, and brought his fingers back. They were coated in thick ganache, and Peyton wasted no time taking them deep into his throat.