Page 57 of Nothing To Lose

Hudson felt a small ache in his chest, and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching over and brushing a few stray pieces of hair from Peyton’s forehead. The motion caused his eyebrows to twitch, and after a beat, he squinted against the early morning light.

There was an obvious moment of confusion playing out on Peyton’s face that made Hudson want to laugh, and then recognition hit him, and he gave a sheepish smile. “Hey. God, please tell me I wasn’t snoring.”

“If you were, I didn’t hear it,” Hudson answered him.

Peyton yawned, his mouth stretching so wide, his jaw cracked. “Shit. We slept the whole night?”

Hudson laughed, shrugging because it was just as much of a surprise to him. He’d been at work late, ate a cold sandwich at his desk, and anticipated spending the evening avoiding his mother’s calls and doing his best not to think about Peyton. Most of his afternoon had been consumed with what Peyton would think of the gift he’d left him, and it had stressed him to the point of exhaustion.

The one thing he hadn’t considered was this. Was Peyton wanting him. Was Peyton in his bed after giving Hudson the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced in his life.

“I want to make you breakfast,” he said suddenly.

Peyton grinned, but that quickly turned to a grimace. “I, uh…I have to go home.”

Reality crashed hard and Hudson felt his face tingle with shame. “Right. Yeah. No…I get it. We can just—”

“I didn’t bring my supplies,” Peyton went on, scrambling off the bed like he wasn’t even listening to Hudson. He had one hand clamped over his bag and his face was tinged bright red.

It took Hudson a second to realize what was happening. “Peyt?”

Peyton looked over his shoulder. “I swear it didn’t leak. But it’s going to if I don’t get to the bathroom soon.”

Hudson tried not to look relieved because it was obvious Peyton didn’t know Hudson was freaking out for the last ten seconds. “Baby, I don't care if it leaks. Just grab a pair of my sweats from the second drawer there.” He nodded toward his dresser. “I’ll start putting something together for food, okay? Just let yourself in when you get back.”

Peyton scrambled for the dresser, but before he hurried through the bedroom door, he turned and offered Hudson a smile. “Um. Thanks. I’m sorry this is—”

“Go, baby,” Hudson said with a laugh, and Peyton’s blush got a little darker as he nodded, then hurried out.

Hudson had no idea how long it would take for him to change his bag. He didn’t imagine it was difficult or as tedious as his own care was just after his surgery when he had no muscle control. Peyton had been dealing with his new body for a while now, just like Hudson had.

It meant he didn’t have a lot of time if he wanted to surprise him, so he transferred to his chair as quick as he could, then rushed through his morning routine before wheeling into the kitchen. There was still no sign of Peyton, so Hudson threw one of the tofu scramble meals he’d pre-frozen into a pan, then pulled a couple of tortillas out of his breadbox for breakfast burritos.

While it was heating, he slipped into the office to check on his damn bird, who had been surprisingly quiet most of the night. Pancake gave him an unimpressed look, but he remained quiet as Hudson refilled his food and refreshed his water. And to be kind, he didn’t protest when the feathery beast perched on his shoulder for the ride to the kitchen.

He grabbed a handful of dried fruit and set it on the counter, then went back to putting their breakfast together.

He was nearly done wrapping the second burrito when the front door opened, and he heard a hesitant voice call out. “Hey?”

Hudson laughed quietly to himself. “In the kitchen.”

Peyton appeared a minute later, making Hudson’s core go hot because Peyton was still in the borrowed sweats, though he’d added a t-shirt that was so form fitting, Hudson was having a hard time not peeling it up and licking the man’s soft belly.

Fuck, he was so beautiful.

“You okay?” Peyton asked, a genuine frown of concern marring his brow.

Hudson slapped a hand over his face and groaned. “Yeah. You’re just really hot in the morning.”

Peyton’s mouth dropped open, then he rolled his eyes. “Yeah well, payback foryouworking out every morning in your back yard.”

Hudson blinked, then laughed. “Did you watch me?” He rolled close enough that he could snag Peyton’s waistband and tug him into his lap. He cupped his jaw and met his gaze. “Did you like what you saw?”

“I fucking loved it,” Peyton whispered.

Hudson cracked and kissed him until Pancake started screaming, ruining the moment. They broke apart and he dropped his forehead to Peyton’s shoulder. “He’s such an asshole.”

Peyton laughed, then carefully slipped off Hudson’s lap. “Let me carry the plates. Where do you want to eat?”