Page 33 of Sins that Define Us

Maybe I will, in the future, when things are safe. There might not be marriage, but there are other ways to make them all Walshes. To make them all officially—legally—mine.

‘I’ll get the others. Make sure they’re ready. Does she know?’

I nip his lip, then tap my tongue against his mouth. ‘No.’ Pulling back, I sigh as I stare into his beautiful face. “Get Ari and James. There’s no way in hell we’re doing this without all of you.”

“It’ll be a tough sell,” he warns, and I also know there’s some measure of truth to that. He backs away, then turns and walks toward the door, letting himself out as I sag forward and breathe.

I hope those fuckers are listening. I hope they’re taking some satisfaction in the way they’ve disrupted my home, because when I get my way, it will be the last joy they take in hurting us.

Chapter 9


The tensionin the car is palpable, and it’s made worse by the fact that Alice doesn’t know what’s happening. Phoenix was able to locate a tracker on our car, but he scanned our getaway, and so far, it’s flown under the radar.

All it means is making a quick stop for Alice’s dress, slipping away, and then hoping she doesn’t go nuclear on us when she realizes it was all bullshit. I can tell she’s suspicious, though. She’s sitting between me and Phoenix, glaring at the back of Kane’s head, but she’s not angry.

She’s calculating. She can tell something’s off, and my money’s on her figuring it out before we make the first stop.

“I don’t need a new dress,” she says after twenty minutes. She’s testing the waters, and everyone in the car stiffens because they can tell too. “It doesn’t actually matter what I get married in if we’re having some courthouse ceremony.”

“You’ll regret it if you don’t,” Kane says mildly, and she can’t even argue because she knows it’s true. “And so will I.”

At that, she winces and sits back. She leans against me a little further, but her attention is on Phoenix now, and my heart starts to beat a little faster because he’s already on edge. Picking at him might unravel this whole thing.

“I’m surprised you’re going along with this,” she says, and Phoenix stiffens. “Isn’t he supposed to be your husband?”

Phoenix’s jaw works. “I don’t need a piece of paper to know he’s mine, princess. Just like I don’t need a piece of paper to claim you.”

Her breath hitches.

Phoenix turns and leans in, putting a palm to her cheek. “This is a formality. A necessary one that we’ve always been aware of.”

“Kane taking a wife?” she spits.

He laughs, then leans in to rub his nose against hers, and I feel her soften just a bit. Then she sucks in a breath, and I glance down to see that he’s moved a hand between her legs. Her pregnant body seems to be in a constant war between horny, hungry, and sick, and right now, it’s obvious the firsthis winning.

“I think you need to relax, beautiful,” he says.

“Phoenix,” Kane warns, but Phoenix just ignores him.

Ari has turned now, his eyes narrow and fixed between Alice’s legs, where Phoenix is playing with her. Her mouth drops open like she wants to argue, but I bring my hand to her throat and lay it there. It’s a gentle pressure, but it’s one that almost undoes her right there in the car.

“Hush, darling,” I murmur, leaning in to kiss her neck. “Let him help you.”

He’s giving the fuckers watching us a last show because we won’t be at the shops long. Phoenix has transferred a massive sum of money to one of the motorcycle clubs in the city to cause havoc. It’ll be enough time for Phoenix to throw the security feed on a loop so we can swap cars. Then a recorded conversation will play.

It will be hours before Leo’s team knows what happened, and by then, we’ll be in one of the few secured locations we havewithin driving distance. After that, well, I don’t know what Kane has planned, but I know it’s something.

My thoughts are disrupted by Alice’s sharp intake of breath, and her body leans hard against mine as Phoenix’s hand begins to move faster. From where I’m sitting, I can’t get a good look at what he’s doing, but I watch how his nostrils flare and his jaw ticks when he’s so turned on he can hardly stand it.

I can tell he’s got fingers buried inside her tight, wet heat, and his thumb is probably playing at her clit. It’s an assault on his senses, and I want nothing more in the world to hold her down while he frees his dick and shoves it deep inside her, making her fall apart.

But we can’t do that here.

Instead, she loses herself on his fingers, crying out softly. The steering wheel creaks with Kane’s grip, and Ari finally turns around with a sharp breath, and I’m only just able to keep from pulling my own cock out and taking the edge off my raging erection because it’s going to be a while before we get any relief.

“Princess,” Phoenix mutters. He’s clearly still touching her, but his arm isn’t moving, and he leans in to steal a kiss. “Better?”