“Hopefully you can earn enough,” he said. “I know the NMCF doesn’t paysuperwell, unless you’re in the C-suite. It might take you a while.”

“I did a good job saving up before now,” I said slowly. How much had I told him already? “I should have enough for the down payment.”

“And if it’s not enough, you can always find other ways to earn cash.” He chuckled. “Have you heard of OnlyFans?”

I tried to keep my body from tensing. I probably failed. “I think so?”

“It’s a place where amateurs can post their own porn to sell to subscribers,” he explained. “Apparently, some girls make alotof money on the platform.”

Be cool, I told myself.He doesn’t know anything. He’s bringing this up out of the blue. Unrelated to me.

“And how doyouknow about it?” I teased.

“Went to a party a few weeks ago, and they had it up on the screen. It was kind of creepy, actually. You’d have to be a really lonely guy to pay for something like that.”

“Yeah, probably.” I poked him in the ribs. “Or someone getting over a breakup with his ex.”

He grunted, and for a split second he seemed uncomfortable.

“I’m an asshole,” he suddenly said. “I didn’t mean to suggest you should do something like that. For money.”

“No, I didn’t take it that way!”

“I was trying to say you’re hot.Reallyhot. If you had an OnlyFans, I would pay for it.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Would you, now?”

“Totally.” He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something more, then his phone dinged on the bedside table. He immediately reached for it.

“Maybe August is right,” I teased. “We reallyareall slaves to technology if you’d rather check your phone than lay in bed with me.”

“That was the work chime. It only goes off if I get an email markedimportant.” He opened the phone and glanced at me. “Speaking of our fearless CFO, I heard you two had fun looking at houses today.”

“We did,” I said carefully. How much should I say?

“Relax, I’m not trying to catch you in a lie,” he quickly added. “August told me you two had a quickie.”

“And you’re okay with that?”

He shrugged while looking at his phone. “You said we’re not exclusive. This is just casual. I respect that. I’m really not the jealous type. Especially with someone like August.”

“Hah, that’s good,” I said.But I wonder if he would be more jealous if he knew about Kai.

“It was a lot of fun,” I admitted. “Doing it in someone’s house was… naughty, I guess. I’d never done anything like that before.”

“Let me tell you a little secret: August has a voyeuristic and exhibitionist streak. He likes doing it in places where he might get caught.”

“I’ve noticed.”

“One of these days he’s… fuck.” His eyes widened at his phone screen. “Oh,fuck.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Allison put in her two-weeks’ notice.”

“Allison? Myboss, Allison?”

His eyes scanned the screen. “Yup.”