Ginny’s eyes brightened with curiosity. “Hell yeah, let’s try it. I’ll put anything up your ass you want.”

The joke caught me off guard, and I sputtered a laugh. Ginny grinned at her own silly comment.

“I take it you’ve never done that before?” I asked.

“Nope! I’m an anal virgin. But I’ve always been kind of curious.” She scrunched her cute face up. “Doesn’t it… hurt?”

“Only when it’s done wrong,” I said reassuringly. “I would get you nice and warmed up, first. And we would go slow, with lots of lube. But if you don’t want to try that, I totally understand and won’t bring it up again.”

“I’m open to trying pretty much anything,” she admitted. “Although I don’t think I would love it. So, those videos get a lot of views?”

“So many views,” I said. “Like, twice as much as normal penis-in-vagina stuff.”

Ginny whistled between her teeth. “Well then wehaveto try it. I’m game.”

I leaned over and gave her ass a smack. “I’ll be your anal sherpa.”

This sent Ginny into a fit of giggles. She play-slapped at me, and I play-defended myself, which turned into me rolling on top of her and pinning her hands to the side. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed up at me.

“Time for round two,” she said. “I’m yours to do what you want with.”

You really are,I thought as I dove into her enthusiastically.You’re mine, Ginny.



I sprung out of bed Monday morning with more energy than anyone had a right to have at the beginning of the week. The OnlyFans videos I had recorded with Kai were doingamazing. I released one on Saturday, another on Sunday, and was going to launch the third one tonight. Spreading them out was better for monetization, Kai had told me.

On top of that, the live shows I did Saturday and Sunday had earned a lot of views and tips. But based on the way the pre-recorded videos were going, soon I could cut the number of lives shows I did per week. Heck, soon I might be able to stop those altogether andonlydo pre-recorded videos. That would mean I only needed to work once a week, then spread out the release of the videos I recorded.

Working with Kai was the best thing that had ever happened to my OnlyFans side-hustle.

“You’re in a bright mood this morning,” Michael said as I prepped coffee in the office. “Humming to yourself at nine in the morning.”

I grinned at him over my shoulder. “Just excited to start the work week! I’m meeting with my realtor at lunch to look at some houses.”

“That’s awesome. You’ll have to let me know how it goes.”

I lowered my voice. “I’m also in a good mood because I’m looking forward to Wednesday.”

“Me too.” He ran his fingers through his blond hair and gave me a bashful little smile, which seemed ridiculous on the big man. “I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.”

“I thought August was busy.”

“No, yeah, he is.” He leaned one shoulder against the door frame of the break room. “The three of us are still doing stuff Wednesday. But tonight, I was thinking…”

“Just the two of us?” I finished for him. “Actually, yeah. I would like that. How about dinner?”

“Dinner sounds great. I’ll find a place.” His icy blue eyes narrowed in a sexy smile. “Talk to you later.”

I’ve got a date tonight, I thought happily as I resumed making my coffee.

Processing grants at NMCF meant a lot of my work was front-loaded in the week. So I was busy all morning. As soon as it was noon, though, I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

“Ginny!” August said, intercepting me in the hallway. “There’s my favorite grants administrator.”

“I’m the only grants administrator here,” I pointed out.