She was a good actress. The way she cried out and her legs trembled, I almost wanted to believe she reallywashaving an earth-shattering orgasm. But of course, I knew better. It was all a show. That didn’t stop it from being insanely hot, though.

I had a clear head after that as I took a shower and then drove to August’s downtown apartment. I had changed into jeans and a T-shirt, but August was still wearing his work clothes—although he had removed his tie, at least.

Ginny arrived a few minutes after me. She was wearing sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt. Like she was here to relax and watch a bad movie. But the sweatpants were form-fitting, and made her ass look even more irresistible than it did when she was at work. Bernie greeted her with full-body wiggles, and when she bent down to pet the dog, the tops of her breasts were visible through the neck of her T-shirt.

Don’t think about it, I told myself.Hell, I’m half-hard already, and I jerked off an hour ago.

“I brought the wine!” she said, hefting a bag with two bottles inside. “Two Buck Chuck, from Trader Joe’s.”

“Perfect to go with our dinner.” He opened the oven and pulled out two paper buckets from Jack in the Box. “Mini tacos.”

“You ordered fast food?” Ginny asked.

“What?” August asked while dumping the tacos onto a serving tray. He picked up one taco, which was roughly two inches long. “Mr. Jack makes a great taco.”

“Mr. Jack?” Ginny asked.

“Well, yeah. Who do you think runs the company?”

“Ignore my idiotic friend,” I said, taking the bottle of wine. “I’ll open these.”

“You’re a true gentleman,” she said with a smile. “I wasn’t trying to turn my nose down at the meal. I’m just surprised you aren’t serving caviar and lobster.”

August popped one of the tacos into his mouth. “You joke, but these bad boys taste great with caviar on top.”

“He’s not joking,” I told Ginny while handing out glasses of wine. “I’ve seen him do it.”

August put on a show of tasting the wine. He swirled it around in the glass, then held it up to the light to examine the legs running down the side. He stuck his nose inside, inhaled dramatically, then took a sip and chewed it.

“I will admit that it’s not bad,” he finally said. “But I still prefer my wine to cost as much as the mortgage payment for one of the poors.”

I rolled my eyes and turned to Ginny. “Please don’t take him seriously. He’s notactuallya rich asshole. He’s just acting like it.”

“Speaking of mortgages!” Ginny said excitedly. “I’m going house shopping next week.”

“Oh! I didn’t realize you were looking to buy a house.”

“I’ve been saving up for a while,” she said. “I’m looking in the Copper Grove neighborhood. The one next to the park and all the running trails. I don’t actually run, but it would be nice to walk when the weather is nice. Especially if I get a dog.” She leaned down to pet Bernie some more. “My apartment is too small for one now. It would be cruel to keep a big dog there while I’m at work all day. But when I have my own place, a big house with a fenced-in yard…”

“I’m really happy for you,” I said. I meant it, too. I knew how important a house was for someone who grew up without financial stability.

“It’s not just for me!” she added. “It’s for my parents. I’m going to buy a place big enough for all three of us. Then they won’t have to live in one of Sandra Trout’s slummy apartments.”

“Cheers to that,” August said, clinking his glass against hers.

“I helped my mom buy a house in Phoenix last year,” I revealed. “It’s such a good feeling being able to help your parents after they helped you for so many years.”

“I know. I can’t wait.”

Ginny leaned into me affectionately. It was just arm-to-arm, and it only lasted two seconds. But it stirred something inside of me. It made this whole evening feel totally different than I expected.

She’s flirting.



We ate mini tacos, topped off our wine, then went over to the living room to watch the movie. Like last time, Ginny and I took the couch while August laid across the loveseat with his legs over the arm.