“She owns this building,” he pointed out. “And half the other office space in downtown Fort Perth. Not to mention she has a lot of connections. People who owe her money and favors. Fuck, Ginny—she’s had her private security guards follow people around town before. Creepy stuff. She’s a legitimate psychopath. Listen. Don’t worry about Sandra Trout. Think of her as this big, mean grizzly bear sniffing around. We’re all just trying not to get mauled. Okay?”

“I’ll try.” I lowered my voice. “But I still dream about slapping that smug, holier-than-thou smile off her face.”

August barked a laugh. “I’d pay a lot of money to watch that.” He cleared his throat. “Speaking of watching things, do you have plans tonight? Mikey and I were going to watch the rest ofMac and Me. It would be a crime to allow such a cinematic masterpiece go unfinished.”

Today was Thursday. I had a live show tonight. But it wasn’t until late. I had plenty of time to hang out and watch the rest of a bad movie.

Then my mind went in another direction.Is he hoping something might happen?Once again, the prospect of a threesome jumped to the front of my mind and refused to go away.

“Yeah, I’d like that,” I said. “But under one condition.”

August raised an eyebrow. “Conditions. Interesting. Go on.”

“I’m bringing the wine.”

His sharp face twisted in a grimace. “Yeah, sorry, but I only drink thousand-dollar bottles of wine where the grapes have been individually crushed by the feet of Sicilian toddlers. Their tiny little feet really bring out the flavor.”

“You’ll drink my wine and enjoy it, or I’m not coming,” I replied stubbornly.

He flashed a grin. “I like your fire. See you at my place at seven. I’ll make sure we have some good food to go with the wine.”

It’s a totally innocent invitation, I thought as he walked away.Nothing is going to happen tonight.




“You didwhat?”

August sat on the edge of my desk like he owned the place. Which, as the CFO who was also the son of an absent CEO, he kind of did. “You should be thanking me. I thought you liked this girl.”

“I do,” I replied. “I mean, kind of. I don’t know. It’s complicated.”

He threw up his hands. “It doesn’t have to be! It can be really fucking simple! Let’s just hang out with her. It’ll be fun. And it will break the ice. Which desperately needs breaking after the awkward kissy-thing that happened last week.”

“There’s nothing awkward about it,” I said. “We’re fine.”

“You’re blind,” August muttered. “Ginny has been acting awkward around us all week.”

“She said we’re fine.”

“And after 9/11, my dad vowed he would take the Fort Perth fire department out to dinner every year on the anniversary. But he stopped doing that after two years. People lie, Mikey. Especially when sex is involved.”

“Sex? Wait, what did your dad expect to happen with those firefighters?’

August laughed. “It’s a loose metaphor. You’re thinking about it too hard. Let me put it in simpler terms.” He began speaking like a caveman. “Ginny hot. Movie time. Alcohol fun.”

“Fine,” I said.

August clapped his hands together. “Atta boy.”

The afternoon passed quickly because I was busier than usual. Then I went home, changed, and hit the gym for half an hour. But even after working out, I was full of nervous energy. The last time at August’s place, we ended up hanging out with Ginny spontaneously. Tonight, it felt more like a date.

To calm myself, I turned to the tried-and-true method all guys used at one time or another: I jerked off. ThiccGinger had three new videos with her male partner, all of which I had already watched. One was a blowjob video. Another showed her riding the guy reverse-cowgirl on the edge of the bed, facing the camera. But tonight, I opened the third video: the one where they were doing it doggy style.

It was rough without being too rough, and it turned me on immensely watching the guy push her down onto the bed while fucking her from behind. Her ass, a magnificent thing, was on full display from that angle. And the way the guy grabbed a handful of her crimson hair as he pounded her… I blew my load quicker than I ever would have from regular porn.