Kai: Because it’s big, round, and makes me cry

Me: …that was really cheesy

Kai: Sorry, Mrs. OnionBooty, but I’m not changing it.

Me: Excuse me, but I’m MISS OnionBooty. I haven’t found Mr. OnionBooty yet.

Kai: I apologize profusely for the mistake.

Me: I’m open to trying new things this Friday, or next. Whatever you think might get us the most video sales.

Kai: Like a threesome?

Me: That wasn’t what I was picturing. Why?

Kai: You mentioned it the other day, asking if I’d ever had one. I’ve always wanted to try that. Super hot. Might be fun, even if it complicates things.

Me: Threesome with another guy, or another girl?

Kai: Either. Both. It would be really fucking hot either way.

Kai: Although I should be clear that I’m not bi. I’m straight. So if we invited another guy to join us, we would exclusively direct all of our attention to you and not each other.

Me: Oh no, poor me!

Kai: I thought you’d like the sound of that!

I had forgotten about asking Kai if he’d ever had a threesome before. That was after the night when I kissed Michael and August. Now that the topic had been brought up, I considered it again. Had a threesome almost happened with them at movie night? Were they down for it, but didn’t want to say so outright?

I didn’t realize I was throwing that kind of party, was what August had said. I knew now that he was a little more flippant about things. His comment might have been sarcastic. But what if it wasn’t?

What if they were serious?

Me: A threesome would be really hot. But I meant trying new things with just you. Got any ideas?

Kai: I’m full of ideas. I’ll start brainstorming and we can discuss them the next time we’re together.

Me: Can’t wait!

I re-read that last text a few times. I hoped it didn’t sound too clingy. I really liked Kai—what was not to like? But I was trying very hard not to develop feelings for him. I couldn’t allow myself to get attached. He had made thatveryclear. Which sucked, because our chemistry was off the charts.

Instead, I channeled those emotions into my work. I focused at the office and blew through all the work Allison gave me, then asked for more. When the next task she gave me was done, she launched into a long story about one of her granddaughter’s softball games. I quickly interrupted her and asked what else she had for me.

“If I give you anything else, you’ll be doing my job for me!” she replied. “I know Michael has a full plate this week. Go see if he has any work he can offload.”

It turned out that Michael had plenty of phone calls to make, both to existing donors and prospective ones. I sat in his office with my own phone and went through his list with him. It was nice just being around him, doing work together, without directly interacting. We were comfortable together. It was a good dynamic.

But being around him also made it difficult not to think about the maybe-threesome that had nearly happened…

Michael was incredibly hot. Big and imposing in his suit, like a sexy bodyguard. I began daydreaming about the way his lips felt crushed against mine, and all the ways I wanted him to protect my ass.

August was equally sexy, in a different sort of way. He was lean and suave, and always wore a smile like he knew a joke but hadn’t shared it yet.

When I was a little bit younger, sex was this whole big thing to me. It was a tremendous deal to give a guy yourflower.And even after losing my virginity, sex remained an enormous milestone in a relationship. It was the moment when things changed from just fooling around toholy crap, things are serious now. For that reason, it had always been a source of anxiety for me, even though I loved sex.

Now that I had started working with Kai, I didn’t feel so prudish about it. Sex didn’t have to have all of these other things attached to it, like emotion or relationship stability or morality. It was just a physical act between two—or maybe more!—people.

Sex was just sex. Or at least, it could be. So why not explore things when the opportunity arose?