“A girl isn’t a hussy just because she dates someone at work,” I said more defensively than I intended. They both paused their chewing to look at me. “But no. Kai doesn’t work with me.”

“So you’ll bring him by next Friday?” Mom insisted.


“Why maybe?” she asked. “Call him right now and invite him. Let us hear what this guy sounds like.”

“I’ll give you an answer later,” I said out of frustration. “Can’t we have a peaceful family meal together without you treating me like I’m a suspect? I almost expect you to waterboard me next.”

Mom stirred spaghetti with her fork. “I’d waterboard you if it meant getting some real details.”

The rest of the dinner was a little more peaceful once Mom started talking about one of her clients who was having her entire kitchen remodeled on a whim. But the damage was done. I was stressed out, which was the last thing I needed tonight.

When I got home, I went through my normal routine. I wasn’t doing a live show, but Kai and I were still recording, so I needed to give the apartment a good clean. I took a long shower, washed my hair, and then let it dry. I laid out all the lingerie I was considering wearing—three different outfits, depending on how many videos we made. Kai said he had three hours. I wasn’t sure how much we would get done in that time.

I put on one of the lacy corsets with stockings, then covered it up with sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt. Then I had a glass of wine to calm my nerves. It didn’t work, so I had a second one.

“Shit,” I said, examining the four dollar bottle I always bought. “I think my taste buds have been ruined after August’s party. This tastes awful.”

Kai arrived right on time. I buzzed him up, then opened the door when he knocked. He was wearing dress pants with a blue button-down, sans tie, with the sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms. His shoes and belt were brown leather, and his hair was the same messy mop of red that somehow looked stylish and chaotic all at the same time. As he smiled, every inch of him oozed sex appeal.

“It’s good to see you,” he said. “I’ve kind of had a day.”

“Me too,” I said as I let him in. “A few bad days, in fact. I’ll tell you about it later. Yours sucked?”

He nodded. “My boss…” He shrugged. “Let’s just say it sucked. I’ve been looking forward to this.”

I raised an eyebrow at him. “You mean it’s not just a job?”

“You know what they say,” he replied, giving me a cutting smile. “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

I felt myself blushing, so I reached for the sheet of paper that was on my table. “I got tested. Passed with flying colors.”

“Knew you would,” he said, glancing at the page before putting it back down. “Thanks again for doing that.”

“I trust you more because you insisted on it,” I told him. “It would be more suspicious if you didn’t care. Do you want a drink? I opened a bottle of red, and I have—”

Kai grabbed me and threw me up against the kitchen wall. He stared deeply into my eyes before kissing me, a kiss of passion and desire. Like he had been thinking about this all week, just as I had. My body surged upward and I pushed my chest against his, eager to feel every inch of him against me. His hands began exploring, sliding along my waist, and then he paused.

“What’s this?” he asked, lifting the shirt a few inches.

I bit my lip. “Something to wear. For you.”

“You mean for the camera?”

“That too.”

Kai grinned wolfishly, then dove into me with renewed desire. His lips crossed my cheek and nuzzled at my neck, and I leaned back into the wall and moaned at his sensual touch. Kai lifted one of my legs and pushed his body into me, grinding against my panties through the sweatpants.

And then he was grabbing me by the waist and picking me up. I yelped as he put me down on the kitchen counter, the one I had just cleaned, and yanked my sweatpants off like they offended him, and then the T-shirt too. His emerald gaze ran up and down my body, devouring me only with his eyes. A tingle of anticipation ran up my spine as he admired my outfit.

“You’re perfect,” he breathed. “Absolute perfection.”

He shoved forward to crush his lips against mine again, tongue seeking and searching for my own. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled his head closer, weaving my fingers into his tangle of hair. Allowing his scent to surround and protect me.

Kai tore his lips away and began moving lower, kissing his way across my cleavage. Squeezing me through the corset. And he moved even lower.

“Don’t you want to move to the bedroom? Where the camera is?” I asked.