
When I stepped off the elevator into the huge penthouse apartment, I realized I was out of my element. I didn’t belong at an event like this. I was just a poor girl who had scraped together enough money to wear fancy clothes and fool everyone else into thinking I belonged. And I was fairly certain it wasn’t my imagination. Several people gave me looks when I entered. It was like theyknew. I was forced to lean down and talk to the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Then Michael showed up and rescued me. I immediately felt welcome when I was with him—likewewere the real guests of the party, and everyone else didn’t belong.

While he got us some drinks, I replied to Kai’s text.

Kai: I’ve been thinking about what I want to do to you on Friday night.

Me: I’m listening.

Kai: Oh, I don’t have any intention of telling you. I just wanted you to know I’m thinking about it.

Kai: Have a nice night!


Me: You’re joking.

Me: Tell me you’re joking!

Kai: Oh, you want to know what I have planned?

Me: Yes and or DUH

Kai: Sex stuff

I giggled to myself, which is when Michael returned with our drinks. “What’s got you laughing?” he asked.

I accepted the wine and gestured with my phone without letting him see. “Texting with my family. Long story. Let me finish this conversation and then I’ll pay attention to the party.”

“No worries. Just make sure you get as much free food and drink as you can.” He winked at me, then wandered away. I wanted to tell him to wait, that I wanted to cling to him because I didn’t know anyone else here, but by then he was already touching someone else on the arm and starting up a new conversation.

I returned to my texts.

Me: Wait. We’re doing SEX STUFF on Friday? Like, with our private parts? This changes everything.

Kai: It’s kind of the reason we met. Sex stuff. Cameras. Money, too. The money is a big part of it. You signed a contract with me earlier in the week. It was a whole big thing.

Me: Well, in that case I’m going to have to insist you tell me what you plan to do with me.

Me: For purely professional reasons related to preparation, and not because it’s super hot.

Kai: Oh, when you put it that way…

Kai: I’m going to start by going down on you for six, maybe seven hours.

Me: That seems like an excessive amount of hours.

Kai: Five hours?

Me: Getting closer.

Kai: We can work out the details later. But suffice to say: I intend to make you come several times before I ever take my clothes off. And only when you’re a melted puddle of ginger goodness will I take off my clothes, and…

Me: And? AND?