Me: I knew I would make more money with a partner, but I didn’t realize it would be THIS much more.

Me: I can’t wait to do another scene with you next Friday ;-)

Kai: Same here.

Kai: Just to reiterate: this is only a business relationship. Don’t go catching feels on me.

Me: Boy, the only thing I’m trying to catch is that diiiiiiick

Kai: Wow.

Me: Too far?

Kai: You made me bust out laughing in my office.

Me: Sorry, I get giddy when I’m making this much money.

Me: Wait a minute. You’re STILL at the office?

Kai: Only for a few more minutes, then I’m going home to do my live show.

Kai: Speaking of which, you should be preparing for yours, right?

Me: I was until you interrupted me! Jerk-face!

Kai: Wow, rude. My face isn’t jerky at all.

Kai: Break a leg, see you next Friday

I was bubbly with excitement as I put on a lacy green corset. I had already had a good experience with Kai, but now I wasreallyexcited. I was going to buy my dream house in no time.



I strode into work on Monday feeling like a million bucks. I had a good job working in an office downtown, and my side-hustle was payinghugedividends. After posting that one video with Kai, my subscriber rate was climbing faster than ever.

And it’s only just beginning.

I was so happy that I wasn’t really paying attention where I was going, whichalmostcaused me to crash into Michael when I rounded the corner into the break room. He skidded to a stop and moved his coffee mug to the side, narrowly avoiding me knocking it all over his crisp white dress shirt.

“That was almost bad!” I said with a wince. “Sorry!”

“No damage, no stress,” he said with a grin. “Good weekend?”

“Greatweekend!” I said while preparing a cup of coffee for myself. “How about you?”

He shrugged, which made his suspenders tighten for a second. “Mine was fine. Got some chores done.” He leaned against the door frame and smiled at me. “How was your Friday night?”

I gave a start. Images from Friday bombarded me: Kai eating me out from behind, and then me on my hands and knees with his dick in my mouth. “Huh?”

“You said you had somewhere to be,” Michael clarified. “The thing that wasdefinitelynot a date. Hope it was fun?”

“Oh, right. I was catching up with a friend. It was good.”

He nodded, and I remembered how guilty I felt for ditching him after drinks. Kai’s tongue and fingers had done a good job of making me forget all about it. “I’d still love to get some drinks and listen to live music at that place you mentioned, if you ever want to.”

“Yeah, I’ll take you up on that,” he said, glancing at his watch. “I’ve got meetings with donors all morning, if you want to join. It might be good to sit in on them and see how everything works.”