
I’m going to love working with this woman,I thought while walking home from the place where Ginny and I got drinks. I felt drawn to her in an inexplicable way. Like we had a natural connection that was there long before we even met. She seemed nervous around me, the kind of silly awkwardness that existed when two people had chemistry but didn’t know how to proceed. I certainly felt the same way around her all night.

And then I asked if she wanted to get dinner. Or go out to a bar to listen to live music. I probably shouldn’t have done that to a new colleague, but I couldn’t help myself. I desperately wanted our evening to continue. And for a brief instant, there was a look in her eyes like she wanted the same thing. For a split second, I was certain she was going to say yes.

And then a reminder popped up on her phone. She was meeting a guy at her place at 7:00. She was quick to insist that it wasn’t a date, but she seemed even more nervous about that than she was about hanging out with me. I knew what that meant.

“It’s probably for the best,” I said out loud as I got to my apartment building. There was no rule against dating a work colleague, but it was frowned upon. And regardless of what other people thought, it could get messy. “Yeah, it was definitely better this way.”

“What’s that, Michael?” asked my neighbor, Martha. She was checking her mail in the apartment lobby.

“Nothing, just talking to myself,” I replied.

She gave me her grandmotherly smile. “My Earl talks to himself all the time, too.”

When I got up to my studio apartment, I reheated some leftovers in the microwave and watched TV while eating. Then I washed my dish, and the other dishes that were in the sink. Once that was done, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

I opened my laptop and checked ThiccGinger’s OnlyFans page. I had been thinking about her all day at work, and the online woman was a better outlet for my sexual frustration than my new coworker. But there wasn’t a live show from her tonight, I saw with disappointment. So I paid $4.99 for one of her older videos and jacked off. She was using a pink toy in the video, and it got me off quickly, but it was totally inadequate compared with a live show.

Or compared to what I wish I was doing with Ginny.

I spent the weekend doing chores. Cleaning my apartment, going to the gym, and then meal-prepping for the upcoming week. Even though I could afford to go out to lunch every single day if I wanted, I still felt like I should save money by making my own meals. After growing up that way, it was tough to change.

And then I got a notification that ThiccGinger had uploaded a new premium video.

I didn’t look at it until Sunday evening when I didn’t have anything better to do. I immediately wished I had watched it sooner. Unlike all of her other videos and shows, which were solo performances with her playing with toys, this was a video with a partner.

I was vaguely jealous at the revelation, but that quickly disappeared as I watched the video. The guy’s face was blurred out, which made it easy to fantasize that I was in his position. ThiccGinger was on her hands and knees in bed, with her face viewed from the side. The same filter was in place to blur out most of her face, but her lips were mostly visible. Luscious red lips that moved up and down on his cock speedily. If I squinted, I could almost pretend it was Ginny rather than some stranger on the internet.

My cock was in my hand before I could think about it. After watching ThiccGinger dance around and play with toys, seeing heractuallyhave sex with a partner was an order of magnitude hotter. I imagined that it was my cock she was wrapping her lips around and stroking quickly. I pictured myself on the bed with her, without any camera watching. I could practically feel her crimson hair brushing against my thighs as she moved up and down, faster and faster. And the more I watched, the more I imagined that it reallywasGinny in the video instead of whoever ThiccGinger was.

I came just as quickly as the guy in the video—which was saying something, because he didnotlast long. Not that I could blame him based on the way she deep throated every inch of him, holding her mouth down around his base. Fuck, that must have felt amazing.

Once the sweet sensation of sexual release had faded, I found myself thinking about Ginny again. Should I be thinking of her that way? Imagining her in the place of an OnlyFans girl? She was a colleague, someone I was working with every single day for the foreseeable future. It felt shitty to reduce her value to sexual appearance.

And yet…

Even though I had already paid for the video, I sent ThiccGinger a fifty dollar tip. I told myself it was because the video was great, and not because I felt guilty about thinking of Ginny that way.

Not long after sending it, I got a private message notification on my account:

ThiccGinger: Hey darling, thanks for the tip! Hope you enjoyed watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it :-)

ThiccGinger: Hope it’s not too cold in Ohio this time of year!

She had sent me a private message every time I tipped her. I had assumed they were automated messages, but this most recent one was strange. Ohio? What was that about?

Definitely just a bot response,I thought.One with a bad algorithm, too.

I closed my laptop and went to bed. But I couldn’t stop thinking about the video. Images swirled in my head, alternating between ThiccGinger in lingerie and Ginny in professional attire. I rolled over and smothered myself with a pillow.

What the hell am I going to do?

