“Why? I can’t post it to my page.”

Kai grinned. “Just because you can’t post the video to your page, doesn’t meanyoucan’t enjoy it by yourself.”

I blushed as I realized he meant I could watch it by myself and later. Then I felt silly for blushing since I was bare-ass naked in bed with a man who had just made me come so hard my toes ached from curling them.

“Your building manager gave me a hard time downstairs,” he said. “He grilled me about who I was visiting.”

I groaned. “Mr. Fedener? Yeah, he’s annoying. He’s nosy, but not in a creepy way. At least, not yet.”

Kai’s sage eyes sparkled with humor. “He said you don’t get many visitors.”

“Wow,” I said, rolling over to face the other direction. “Thanks for telling on me, Mr. Fedener.”

Kai laughed and began caressing my back with his fingertips. “So you don’t have a boyfriend?”

“Afraid not.”


I rolled back over to face him. “Would that have been a problem?”

“Not exactly,” he replied, furrowing his brow in thought. “But I won’t work with someone who is cheating on her partner. If you did have a boyfriend, I would insist on you being totally honest with him. I won’t be a party to cheating.”

“Has that been an issue in the past?” I asked.

He nodded solemnly. “It’s the reason I stopped working with my last OnlyFans partner. She had a long-term boyfriend who apparently had no idea about her OnlyFans page. Which is all fine and good if you’re doing solo videos, but I didn’t like that she wanted to keep me a secret, too. It left a bad taste in my mouth.” He suddenly grinned. “And not in the fun, sex-related way.”

I chuckled. “Nope, no boyfriend here. Hell, I haven’t gone on any good dates since I started my OnlyFans page. It’s tough when I’m busy every Saturday and Sunday night. I don’t know how I would even begin to explain that to a guy.”

Kai held out a palm. “To be perfectly clear: I’m not trying to control anything about your life. I don’t care if you have a boyfriend, or are actively dating. I’m merely setting boundaries for our professional relationship.”

“I respect that,” I said. I was shocked by how normal this conversation felt. I wasn’t awkward at all. “I don’t anticipate my love life changing, but I’ll keep you informed if I get a serious boyfriend.”

“Then I think we’re going to work together wonderfully.” Kai held up his palm, and I high-fived him.

We just high-fived over sex. I tried not to giggle.

“So,” I said casually. “Speaking of working together. How much do I owe you for tonight?”

“When you say it like that, you make me sound like a male prostitute.”

“Well, a girl is curious about costs,” I replied. “And your fancy print-out didn’t list anyspecificcosts. Just the fee structures and payment schedules on video royalties.”

“There’s no price for tonight,” he explained. “Just like a drug dealer, the first taste is free.”

“Seems likeyouwere the one who got a taste tonight,” I teased. Kai tilted his head back and roared with laughter.

“Seriously though,” I insisted. “What’s the flat fee you charge per appearance?”

“Don’t worry about it right now,” he said, brushing back my hair again. His touch was careful and tender. “Once you see how much traffic you get for your first partner video? Then we can discuss the details.”

I didn’t like leaving that part unspoken, but I was too relaxed to care. And turned on. With Kai’s model-like face directly in front of me in bed, it was impossible to think about anything other than what I wanted to do with him.

“Holy crap, an hour and a half passed?” I asked when I saw the clock.

“Time flies when you’re getting massaged,” he replied.

“When it’sthatkind of massage, sure.” I bit my lip. “You don’t have to leave yet, do you?”