This wasn’t the kind of side-hustle I ever expected to have, even with my unending love for women. I had a degree in Business Management from Duke. I’d had a steady job here in town for three years. My boss was demanding, but I was compensated well.

Not well enough, I thought with a grimace.Not for what I need to pay for.

The too-clean scent of bleach lingered in the entrance hall. There was an elevator at the end of the room, but it was covered with yellow tape and an “out of order” sign. The girl I was meeting was on the third floor, so it wasn’t a big deal. I headed for the stairs.

A man with a mostly bald head and a few silvery strands of hair appeared out of a utility closet next to the elevator. “Who’re you?” he demanded.

“Someone who doesn’t have to explain himself,” I replied. “Who areyou?”

“I’m the building manager.” He casually reached for a broom and held the end of it like a spear, blocking the door to the stairs. “I know everyone who comes and goes here.”

“I’m visiting someone.”

“Never seen you before,” he barked.

“You wouldn’t. First time here.”

“Who are you visiting?”

“Again, I don’t have to explain myself to you.” I tried to shove past him into the stairwell, but he moved to block my way with his entire body.

“You can explain it to me, or to the police,” he said with a smug grin. “Your choice.”

I sighed. I wasn’t in the mood for this. There was nothing worse than someone with a minuscule amount of power itching for an excuse to wield it.

“I’m visiting the woman in 3C,” I finally said. “She already buzzed me in at the door. Do you harass all of her visitors?”

He looked me up and down. I tensed. If he asked me what her name was, I wouldn’t have an answer. I only knew her by her online name, ThiccGinger. Hedefinitelywouldn’t let me upstairs if I couldn’t even name her.

But then he lowered the broom. “Ginny doesn’t get many guests. Don’t go making trouble, you two.”

Ginny, I thought while taking the stairs to the third floor.Pretty name for a pretty girl.

I felt weirdly nervous as I approached her door. This wasn’t my first time. I’d worked with two other women like her before, in various capacities. I’d filmed dozens of shows and scenes with partners. So why was I nervous tonight?

It’s just a job, I told myself as I knocked.Nothing more.

She answered the door almost immediately. I felt my heart race a little faster. She had thick auburn hair pulled back in a ponytail, revealing an oval face, a slender nose, and eyebrows above sharp, all-seeing eyes. Even if I didn’t have my quirk with women, I would have been in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her.

“ThiccGinger?” I asked.

She laughed. “I guess so. But you can call me Ginny.”

Ginny. Like the building manager said. She’s not afraid to give me her real name. For some reason, that made me feel even more drawn to her. “I’m Kai.”

“I know.” Her cheeks reddened, and she added, “I mean, I would hope you’re Kai, since I buzzed him in downstairs. Come on in.”

I followed her inside, and she locked the door behind me and connected the chain. The apartment was small, but clean. Cleaner than I had expected based on the street outside, and the interior I had seen on my way up. That was good. If her apartment was filthy I wasn’t sure I would want to work with her.

“Thanks for meeting with me,” she said. “Can I get you something? Wine, beer, water…”

I wanted a beer to calm my nerves. But I knew alcohol wasn’t a good idea in case tonight turned into something more than just a consultation. Nothing ruined this kind of work more than whiskey dick.

“I’d love a water,” I said, removing my jacket and draping it across the back of a chair in the kitchen. “Thanks.”

Her eyes lingered on my tight T-shirt for a heartbeat, and then she went to the fridge. I had already seen ThiccGinger’s OnlyFans page, which meant I had seen almost every inch of her body nude. She was hot. Undeniably so. Yet when she bent over to pull the Brita Filter out of the fridge, something inside me came alive. Her ass was a masterpiece in her snug jeans. The kind of sight that inspired Renaissance painters and Greek poets.

She’s even hotter when she’s clothed, I thought.Remarkable.