“You disagree with me? Then ask her out yourself,” Michael said. “I don’t mind at all. There. Now you don’t have an excuse not to.”

I didn’t have any intention of asking that woman out, but I considered it for a moment. She was sexy. I’d only been around her for thirty chaotic seconds, but she seemed to have spunk. I liked a girl with an attitude. Not to mention she was a redhead. I definitely had a thing for gingers.

“Okay, maybe I’ll ask her out,” I replied.

“Then do it.”

“I will.”

“Okay then,” Michael said. “Are we playing a game, or not?”

“I just joined the lobby. Looking for a game now.”

The doorbell rang, a four-note chime that echoed through my apartment. Bernie jumped up from my feet and perked up.

“Be right back,” I said, tearing off my headset and hurrying to the door. My apartment had a superintendent who picked up all packages downstairs and then delivered them to each resident later in the day. I couldn’t remember what I was expecting. Probably another expensive bottle of whiskey I had drunk-ordered. I was accumulating quite the collection.

But when I threw open the door, it wasn’t the superintendent. It was a slender woman in a maxi dress and a Louis Vuitton purse under her arm.

“Adriana,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“The doorman let me in.”

“I asked what, nothow,” I replied.

Her fake eyebrows narrowed angrily. “You’ve been avoiding my calls.”

“Have I?”

“Is that any way to treat your girlfriend?”

I grimaced. “Girlfriend? Is that what we are?”

Her eyes widened. “What wouldyoucall someone you’ve been seeing for three weeks?”

I shrugged. “Temporary bedroom acquaintances?”

“I won’t be treated this way,” she said stubbornly. “Either you commit to a real relationship with me, or we’re through.”

“That!” I said, pointing at her. “I choose the second option.”

For a heartbeat, she looked legitimately shocked. A woman like Adriana had probably never been dumped before. Then she let out a snarl that cut through all her layers of makeup.

“You could never have gotten a woman like me if you didn’t have money.”

“You’re basically calling yourself a prostitute,” I pointed out. “Maybe you should workshop your insults ahead of time?”

Bernie sensed the mood and came over to my side, then let out a single bark. Adriana jumped back and glared at her.

“I hate your stupid dog, too,” she hissed. “She shed all over my coat the last time I was here!”

“At least Bernie is honest about the fact that she’s a bitch,” I replied, closing the door on her. You could insult me all you wanted, but keep my fucking dog out of it.

I listened to her leave, then let out a long sigh. That didn’t go as smoothly as I had planned. It would have been better if she took the hint when I ghosted her. But mostly I felt relieved that it was done. Michael was right about me: I could never keep a girl for longer than a month. I got bored. And I hadn’t found someone who I genuinely wanted to be around for more than a few hours at a time.

“Sorry about that,” I said when I returned to my gaming chair. “Seriously though, this Ginny girl. You ought to ask her out. Or I will.”

Michael laughed. “Shut up and find us a game.”