Page 155 of Bosses With Benefits

“Can’t do much with that kind of degree, though.”

“Hence the OnlyFans page.” He smiled. “And taking a personal assistant position for a demon woman.”

Now that I had purchased the house, I began cutting back my live shows. I settled on twice a week: Tuesdays and Saturdays. Plus one night of filming with Kai. I spread those pre-filmed scenes out during the week, which allowed me to relax more often than I worked.

I liked the extra money coming in. I was building up a nest egg of savings, in case I ever lost my job. And even if I never did, it was nice to feel more secure financially. Considering I had grown up in a family that was always one unexpected bill away from homelessness, that security meant more than anyone could know.

One afternoon, I took a half-day at work and met Kai at one of the hospitals downtown. I held his hand as we took the elevator up to the third floor, then walked into a room filled with leather recliners and plastic IV bags. Kai took a deep breath, then led me over to one recliner occupied by a petite woman with the same reddish hair as him.

“This is Virginia,” he said. “We’ve been together a few months.”

And that’s how I met Kai’s mom.

Kai was tense during the visit, but his mom was friendly and talked my ear off. We stayed for an hour, and then she waved us off and said she was going to take a nap.

“Are you okay?” I asked when we took the elevator back down.

“No,” he admitted. “I’m not.”

My heart twisted inside my chest.

“But for the first time since all this started… I feel like maybe Iwillbe okay.” He looked over at me and smiled. “With enough time, I think I might forgive her for the way she treated me and my brother.”

“It’s okay if you never do,” I told him. “You know that, right?”

He nodded. “I know. But I can see it. Like a ship on the horizon, growing closer every visit. And I think I want to get to that point.”

I squeezed his hand tighter.

Kai ended up quitting his OnlyFans page and focused solely on partnering with me. He had that flexibility since he received a severance from Sandra Trout. He never told me exactly how much she had agreed to give him, but I suspected it was big. Enough money for him to live off for now,andto pay for his mom’s cancer treatments.

The idea of stopping entirely was tempting to me. I could leave that chapter of my life behind and go straight. Just a girl with a normal nine-to-five job, a 401k account, and benefits. But the more I considered it, the more I realized I didn’t want to stop. I enjoyed having a sexy side of my life, a secret that nobody—or at least, only a few people—knew about. It made me feel alive in a way that I wasn’t ready to give up yet. Whenever I did get bored of it, or sick of the work, I would quit. But I had a feeling that was a long way away.

In the meantime, my sex life was more active than I ever could have imagined. Far more than it was before everyone found out about each other. I slept with Kai, August, and Michael individually, and in pairs. I had been afraid that Kai would feel like an odd man out, since August and Michael were already close friends, but that wasn’t an issue at all. Both of them got along with Kai, and had chemistry in bed. In fact, some of the most fun I had was with Kai and Michael, or Kai and August. It was almost like Michael, or August, could really open up and let me have it when they were with Kai, someone they weren’t already friends with prior to this whole big arrangement.

But the most intense bedroom antics happened when all four of us lined up our schedules and hooked up together. That first time at August’s penthouse, the same day as all the Sandra Trout drama, wasinsanelyhot—and it only got hotter the more times we did it. Like we were all becoming more comfortable with each other each subsequent joining. After a while, Kai and I moved our film day to Sunday, and the four of us started treating Friday as our dedicated group sex day. A sweaty, sexy way for us to blow off steam at the end of the week.

Usually, this happened at one of their apartments, since my parents now lived with me. The walls were thick in my new house, but I didn’t want to put that to the test—nor did I want to explain why two of my coworkers were coming over and disappearing into my bedroom with me and Kai, who they still thought of as my sole boyfriend. That was a shame to me. I had this big new house, one that wasmine, and I couldn’t do fun naked stuff there.

But one weekend, my parents took a little weekend trip to Tucson. They could afford things like that now that they weren’t worrying about rent. And like a teenager throwing a party, as soon as my parents’ van disappeared down the road, August, Michael, and Kai pulled up in two cars.

“Let me get this straight,” Kai was saying as they came up my walkway. “You don’t have a car.”

“Don’t need one.”

“And you don’t have a cell phone.”

“You should try it,” August said, draping an arm around Kai’s shoulder. “Once you throw off the chains of technology, you’ll realize how much of a slave you were to those devices.”

“Please don’t get him started,” Michael groaned.

“We’ve heard this rant a hundred times,” I agreed. “Just accept that August is a weirdo.”

“I don’t think it’s weird. I kind of get it,” Kai said.

August pumped a fist. “Ah hah! A convert!”

“As long as you’re not going to move to Montana and live in a shed,” Kai said.