Page 153 of Bosses With Benefits



I went to work on Monday expecting things to be different. I thought I would get sideways glances and hushed whispers when I walked by. Becausesurelysomebody heard about the video and spread rumors about my side hustle. Right?

But nobody even looked in my direction, at least not more than normal. I got polite nods and quick hellos from my coworkers that were too busy to stop and talk more. People rushed this way and that, hurrying about their Monday morning tasks.

I breathed a deep sigh of relief and went into my office.

I had an email from Sandra Trout waiting in my inbox. I tensed as I opened it, expecting her to change her mind about the deal she made with Kai. Instead, I got this:

Ms. Hanover,

Allow me to apologize for the misunderstanding that occurred last Friday, December 8. I was given inaccurate information by my assistant, which led me to take measures that were unfair and unjustified. If this has caused you any harm, in either your professional or personal life, please let me know and I will do whatever I can to make things right.


Sandra J. Trout

I read the email three times, then forwarded it to my two favorite coworkers. Five minutes later, August came striding into my office with a grin on his face and a picture frame in his hands.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“I printed this out for you.” He held up the frame, which contained the email behind glass. “It’s going on the fuckingwall.”

“Shouldn’t you be busy with CEO responsibilities?” I asked.

“I was in the middle of a meeting. I left. Printing this out was more important.”

“Where did you even get a picture frame that quickly?”

“It was one of my dad’s photos. He left it behind. He won’t miss it.” August jabbed a thumb-tack into the wall and hung the picture up next to my desk. “This sort of trophy doesn’t come around every day.”

Later that week, there were more shake-ups at work. It was announced that Michael Bauer was being promoted to Chief Financial Officer, taking August’s old role. And then I found out that I was being promoted to Michael’s old position in Donor Relations. Not only that, but the position was being shifted around so that it no longer reported to the CFO.

“It’s still not exactly kosher,” Michael explained. “But at least there’s no conflict of interest if people find out we’re dating.”

“Is that what we’re doing?” I asked. “Dating?”

“This Thursday,” Michael said, pointing a finger at me. “I’m taking you out to dinner. A proper date.”

I grinned the rest of the day.

We conducted interviews for my old position. In the end, we hired a man named Bill—who was the other candidate for my position originally. And to everyone’s surprise, he was actually good at his job. He was a hard worker, didn’t complain, and asked for more work when he was done with his tasks. And he didn’t accidentally give me a papercut.

“I guess we should have gone with him in the first place,” Michael said. “Oh well.”

I glared at him.

The house sale went smoothly, and we moved in a week before Christmas. Everyone came to help us move in: Kai, Michael, and August.

“You have so many good friends!” Mom commented while we watched them carrying boxes inside. “If Kai and you don’t work out, the other two will do in a pinch.”

You have no idea, I thought, smiling.

We were nearly done moving all the boxes inside when a silver Lexus pulled up to the house and a young woman got out. It took me a few moments to recognize her.

“Julia?” I said. “What are you doing here?”