Page 141 of Bosses With Benefits

“What caused you to lose the house?” Dad asked. “What stupid thing did you do for money?”

“The thing I did for money was…”

“Kai?” Dad asked.

I gave a start. “Yes, actually. How did you know?”

“No.” He pointed. “That’s Kai.”

I turned toward the living room window, which faced the side street between this apartment building and the next one. Kai was peering through the window and waving at us.

And next to him was August.

“No,” I said.

“Yes. That’s Kai,” Dad insisted. “What does he want?”

Mom went to answer the door. And there stood Michael, the third man in my life. “Excuse me, ma’am,” he said, “is Ms. Hanover here?”

“I’m Ms. Hanover,” Mom said, pleasantly surprised. “I don’t know why you’re looking for me, but I’m glad you are!”

“Michael?” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“Don’t tell them anything!” he quickly said. “You haven’t told them, have you?”

“I’m afraid she did,” Mom said. “About how we lost the house.”

“That’s all I told them,” I said, giving Michael a look.

“Oh.” He blinked his blue eyes while processing that. “Yes, very sad. Ginny, we really need to talk to you. Outside.”

“I was going to tell my parents about… things.” Even alluding to it in front of Michael made me nauseous. “Before Sandra Trout has a chance to.”

“Sandra Trout?” Mom said angrily. “What doesshehave to do with this?”

“Did she buy the house before you could?” Dad asked. “As if she doesn’t own enough real estate in the city.”

“Ginny,” Michael said emphatically. “I want you to trust me right now. Come outside and hear what we have to tell you. A lot has changed since you left the office.”

“The office?” Mom asked. “Do you work with Ginny?”

“I’ll be right back.”

I followed Michael out of the apartment. As we went down the hall, the silence between us felt oppressive. I had to fill it with something.

“Michael. About what happened today…”

“Don’t say a word,” he said. He was firm, but not angry. “Hear what we have to tell you, first. I promise you’ll be glad you did.”

What does that mean?I didn’t ask any more questions though. I just followed him outside, to where Kai and August were waiting.

“Are we too late?” August asked. “Did we catch her in time?”

“I think we did,” Michael replied. “Either that, or her parents are taking itreallywell.”

“You haven’t been answering your phone,” Kai said.

“It died.”