Page 129 of Bosses With Benefits

He shrugged. “Plenty of liquids and rest, I guess. Hey, can we sit down and talk later?”

“Sure. Is it about the new formatting I’m using on the grant request letters? Because while you were gone I got August to approve it.”

“It’s not that,” he said, face unreadable. “It’s more personal.”

I glanced out into the hall to make sure we were alone, then let myself smile. “Even better. I’ve got plans later tonight, but we can meet right after work at your place, if you want.”

Michael looked around like he was uncomfortable being around me. “Let’s meet at a bar or something instead.”

“Oh. Okay.” I frowned as he walked away with his coffee. Was I getting a weird vibe from him, or was he still recovering from being sick?

August popped into the break room while I was brewing my own cup of coffee. “Best behavior in there today, okay?”

I smiled sweetly at him. “That’s the only behavior I know, boss.”

He replied without looking in my direction. “I beg to differ. I know for a fact you’re anasty girlwhen you want to be.”

“I’m quite sure,” I said, “that I have no idea what you’re referring to.”

I left him chuckling there and returned to my office. My cell phone was at ten percent battery, but I didn’t want to plug it in while I was in the meeting. Just in case I needed it during the meeting. Then I went into the conference room. Sandra was speaking to Cornelius like they were old friends, all smiles and laughter and gentle touches. I took the only available seat, which was next to her personal assistant.

“Kai, was it?” I asked.

He extended his hand. “And you’re Ms. Hanover, right?”

“Please, call me Ginny.”

“It’s good to see you again, Ginny.”

It was fun to pretend like the two of us didn’t know each other. Especially since he was going to spend several hours tonight pounding me to within an inch of what I could handle. I bit my lip and tried not to look in his direction.

Across the table, Michael was looking at both of us. He seemed concerned. Was he getting jealous because of the first time Kai and I met? He hadclaimedhe wasn’t jealous, but somehow I doubted that. Especially based on the weird way he was staring.

Sandra finished her conversation with our CEO, gently brushed her fingertips across his arm, and turned to me. “Ginny Hanover! There’s my favorite grants administrator. I was told you were sick earlier this week? Nothing contagious, I hope?”

“Just a cold. I’m feeling much better today.”

Her smile deepened. “Good. Wouldn’t want your throat to get sore from all theworkyou do. Talking on the phone and discussing grant checks, I mean.”

“Of course,” I said.That was weird.

“We’ll give it another minute before we get started.” Sandra put a hand across Michael’s back. “And how’s my favorite former football player doing? I heard you were sick as well.”

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I smiled when I saw who it was.

Kai: You look gorgeous today. I like seeing you dressed up.”

Me: You’ve seen me dressed up in plenty of outfits. More revealing ones.

Kai: I think this one is my favorite. Want to wear it tonight?

Me: I think that can be arranged. You’ll love the underwear I’m wearing with it.

Kai: Oh? Which pair is it?

Me: I’ll give you a hint. It’s something a commando might wear.

Kai: Camouflaged? Or, like, leopard print?